If there’s anyone in your life who always lords it over you, this time around, you will be able to demonstrate your strength and superiority. Every animal has its own spiritual meaning of dreams. I have read many books and these all indicate that the rat is trying to tell us what we need to change. . If you heard mice making scratching noises in your dream, such a dream might be a bad omen forewarning a burglary in your house. So, mouse meaning teaches us about "deliberate" timing, and being careful to time everything to your advantage. Take into consideration the following words that may be associated with the symbolism of a mouse – resourcefulness, modesty, grounded, adaptability, shyness, innocence, fertility, super-awareness, voraciousness, Rats in the 1930’s dream books often indicate that the dreamer may be reflecting on the dark side of their personality. Mice have been having various symbolical meanings and interpretations in different cultural concepts around … Mouse Dream Interpretation. Meanings of Dreams About Mice. Mouse symbolism and spiritual meaning There is no such small and fragile living being that inspires so many mixed emotions and thoughts as a mouse does. Even as little as the mouse have its own symbolic meaning which is also diverse across time and culture. In ancient times dreams of mice were seen as messages from the gods, to warn of danger. When you have a mouse dream, it can indicate fear, timidness, insignificance or a lack of assertiveness. The dream may be telling you that you are spending too much time hiding in the shadows of someone else. To dream of a white mouse represents problems or annoyances that are being fixed. Self Protection. . They are usually considered as pests and nobody is really happy to see a mouse in their home or anywhere near them. This comes from the ancient Egyptians who believed the weather and dreams were connected to gods and our dreams are a way that the god wished to communicate. Mice are prolific, always have been. When it comes to spiritual meaning of rats, there is lots to say. If your dreams about mice show you killing them, they may signify your triumph over your enemies or competitors. To dream of catching a mouse represents a solution to a problem. You will have the last say. That is why mouse symbolism includes protection, because the mouse has to learn how to protect itself more than other animals do. Biblical Dream Dictionary admin 2017-03-10T19:26:01-06:00 This free online Dream Dictionary is an organized listing of symbols sometimes found in spiritual dreams and their most common meanings. So, their was thought of as an omnipresent quality. In other words, you are experiencing feelings of inadequacy and concerns that you are not measuring up. You don't have to notice something you don't like anymore. The dream interpretation for mice differs from the dream meaning of mouse in that if you are dreaming about a singular mouse it symbolizes fear, while if you are dreaming about multiple mice, it symbolizes that you are dealing with minor things of little consequence and are spending too much time doing it. Because the god Apollo was thought to be everywhere at all times, and so were mice – the relationship between the Greek god and mouse meaning go hand-in-hand. The best way to truly know the meaning of the dream is to keep track of your dreams and to ask God to speak to you about them. Dreams about Mice, Mouse – Interpretation and Meaning Mice are animals that are not very popular among people. It makes a person to become a slave and their source of income are always on the altar of poverty and limitations. What is the spiritual meaning of rats from old dream books? Dreams About Mice, Mouse – Meaning and Interpretation. 7 Common Spiritual Dream Meanings. Dreaming about mice making scratching noises.