The only way to win against a narcissist is to take away the control he or she has over you. When it comes to a divorce case, the narcissist will often be pitted against a person with very low self-esteem. So, how can you win a custody battle against a narcissist? I was a school teacher with no criminal record and devoted to my children and home. Divorcing a narcissist with children in Arizona is going to likely result in a heated child custody battle. How to Win a Custody Battle. 10 tactics for child custody battles with sociopaths. Here's something else that could be documented and used against you. Stay safe and healthy. ... Don't invent negative stories in an attempt to win custody. If you have a child in common with a narcissist and are considering divorce or separation from the other parent, there’s a good chance you can expect to have a custody battle on your hands. To all of the women who are divorcing a narcissist, I write this as my own journal and in hopes that it helps others battle a narc in court.If it bores you, feel free to skip reading it. Here are some recommended tips to keep in mind if you ever find yourself in this situation: May 5, 2008 // by Donna Andersen // 869 ... the sociopath just wants to win the battle with you, and destroy you in the process. In order to maintain the grandiose and inflated personality he or she has created, your narcissist spouse will go into the divorce intending to win all issues at all costs. For me, ... if you are in a custody battle, the narcissist is truly incapable of parenting for the long term. This site was created by a mother who was also dealing with a narcissist ex and dealing with child custody issues. When the Custodial Parent or Court Denies Visitation Rights. Make sure facts being presented are sourced from third parties. Jason Crowley, CFA, CFP, CDFA Jan. 31, 2020. One of the biggest mistakes that is made by feuding parents is the attempt to make each other look "bad". How to Win Child Custody Against a Narcissistic Father | There is no win to be had against the sociopath. Remain as calm as you can. ... Are there some other pieces of advice you can offer when going up against a narcissist in a custody battle? ... How to Win a Child Custody Battle in Court. You don't. Updated on May 6, 2018. How to Divorce a Narcissist (and Win!) Sometimes, the only proof you have of a narcissist’s behavior is your word against his or hers, so you’ll need to have hard evidence to back up what you’re saying. Instead, it would be better if you and the other parent could reach an agreement on child custody and spare everyone the emotional stress of a custody dispute. How do expose a narcissist in court during a custody battle? One of the hardest things to grasp in a custody battle is the fact that it doesn't really matter if what is being said about you is true or not; what matters is whether the court believes they're true. It certainly bores me living it, but I hope the tips help as you navigate through the the process and form a … Sharing is caring 789 Have you been entangled in a court battle with the narcissist and just want the Judge to “get it” in regards to your nefarious ex? Unfortunately, I cannot help with winning full custody since I’ve had personal experience with this and it’s not promising. A Custody Mediation Attorney Can Help A custody battle is not ideal. The better you are informed the greater your chances of avoiding a marriage with a narcissist and having children with them. Do everything you can to present yourself to the court as a competent, involved, loving parent. Document everything. One of the most toxic people you will meet in family court is the narcissist. What Judges Need to Know About Narcissistic Personality Disorder in Custody Cases. Make sure there's not even the suggestion that you're doing something that would put your kids at risk. Narcissists are usually the cause of that low self-esteem as they have eroded their partner’s self image through a variety of means throughout the marriage. If you already have children with a narcissist and are in the middle of a custody battle, do your homework and learn about every facet of the narcissistic personality disorder.