Sometimes this date is incorrectly given as 400 or 380 million years ago, but fossils have not been unearthed from these periods. To find a common ancestry for a mammal and a lizard one is to retreat back to an ancient reptilian or more possibly to an amphibian stage in evolution. (b): The term evolution was coined by Herbert Spencer, an English philosopher which means unrolling or unfolding of nature that brings about an orderly change from one form or condition to another resulting in descendents becoming different from ancestors. ORIGIN OF TETRAPODS (AMPHIBIA) (Suneel Singh) SUMMARY The first tetrapods were amphibians that evolved from the Devonian crossopterygian fishes which lived in shallow marshy locations and already possessed lungs for respiration and lobed fins to support their bodies on muddy banks of ponds, rivers and marshland. Evolution: In his book The Descent of Man, Charles Darwin concludes as follows: “The most meaningful result in this book, that man descended from a lowly organized life form, will be a stumbling block for many.I regret that. Some terrestrial amphibians have a sticky tongue that is used to capture prey. Log in. Answer: The Pulsating theory. The first three chapters of the book provide an introduction to the field and the origin of amphibians. It might not have been necessary to start the book with the big bang, the beginning of life, plate tectonics, and metazoan evolution because these topics are probably better covered in dedicated publications. 2012 Update 40 Notes: Amphibians Table of Contents: Section 1 Origin and Evolution of Amphibians Section 2 Characteristics of Amphibians Section 3 Reproduction in Amphibians Describe the three preadaptations involved in the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life. Judging all the theories the inevitable conclusion that can be drawn is that reptilian ancestry is full of evolutionary significance. Source | Credits | Picture Credits: NCERT General Science Origin Of Life on Earth The universe is very old - almost 13 billion years old. 5 years ago. The story of the origin of vertebrates picks up where the evolution of invertebrates left off. 1. 1st PUC History The Story of Human Evolution Two Mark Questions and Answers. 5 points Origin and evolution of amphibia Ask for details ; Follow Report by Akashkanojiya1019 5 days ago Log in to add a comment What do you need to know? ... and the origin of life remains a mystery? Origin of Life on Earth - Evolution of Life on Earth - Adaptive Radiation - Biological Evolution - Origin and Evolution of Man – Timeline of Evolution. The name amphibian, derived from the Greek word meaning ‘living a double life,’ reflects this dual life strategy, but some species are permanent land dwellers, and others are completely aquatic. According to current evolutionary teachings, man’s genealogy not only reaches back into the … All extant adult amphibians are carnivorous. They first evolved from lobe-finned fish and primitive tetrapods about 340 million years ago. Lv 7. AMPHIBIANS 799 ORIGIN ANDEVOLUTION OFAMPHIBIANS About 360 million years ago, amphibians became the first vertebrates to live on land. In amphibians, almost all aspects of larval development, including the culminating transformation into adult form (commonly known as metamorphosis), are under the direct and primary control of … The first tetrapods were amphibians that evolved from the Devonian crossopterygian fishes which lived in shallow marshy locations and already possessed lungs for respiration and lobed fins to support their bodies on muddy banks of ponds, rivers and marshland. Huge clusters of galaxies comprise the universe. It might not have been necessary to start the book with the big bang, the beginning of life, plate tectonics, and metazoan evolution because these topics are probably better covered in dedicated publications. Amphibians are capable of existing on land as well as in water. Describe two similarities between amphibians and lobe-finned fishes. But there can hardly be any doubts about our descent from savages. 2. The bottom line is, no matter how you define it, evolution, in order to be true, has to at least hypothesize how space, matter, energy and forces, and life itself began.