A ceramic drinking mug shaped like the iconic Uka Uka Mask from the hugely popular Crash Bandicoot games, this is the perfect gift for gamers and great evil spirits alike. Crash Bandicoot: Furry Vengenace is an Animated Game that was released onto Yoyo Games at 2013. Paco del Uka was freed by accident when the guy whose head is bigger than his body crashed into Uka's prison. Uka Uka is the overarching antagonist of the Crash Bandicoot franchise. Number of Comparisons: 3 Franchise: Crash Bandicoot Uka Uka is the evil younger twin brother of Aku Aku. Discover (and save!) His voice is sped down in both of these games to sound more sinister. Number of Comparisons: 3 Franchise: Crash Bandicoot Uka Uka is the evil younger twin brother of Aku Aku. Le célèbre masque Uka Uka de la franchise Crash Bandicoot s'offre un magnifique mug tout en couleurs et est accompagné de ses 4 dessous de verres!! Crash Twinsanity Music - Vs Uka Uka by BlueKunai Soundtracks. Classic Crash Bandicoot platforming. Note: His name is sometimes incorrectly spelled as "Uka-Uka", with a dash. Game History Edit Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped Edit Gelingt es Crash Cortex und Uka Uka zu stoppen und somit ein schlimmes Schicksal zu verhindern? Crash Twinsanity Music - Bandicoot Pursuit by BlueKunai Soundtracks. 2:46. N.Gin boss theme TWINSANITY by Sara94. Search free crash bandicoot Ringtones on Zedge and personalize your phone to suit you. During his physical life, Uka Uka was committed to a life of skulduggery. Crash Bandicoot Comparison of the voice actors who have been the voice of Crash Bandicoot with sound clips and images. During his physical life, Uka Uka was committed to a life of skulduggery. Uka Uka is portrayed at his most menacing in both Crash Bandicoot 3 and Crash Bash, where he actively tries to take over the world. Why It Rocks. Uka Uka Comparison of the voice actors who have been the voice of Uka Uka with sound clips and images. Crash … Gameplay . Number of Comparisons: 7 Franchise: Crash Bandicoot Crash Bandicoot is a mutated Eastern Barred Bandicoot who was created by the demented Doctor Neo Cortex to be the general of his growing army of super-animal soldiers and lead them to world domination. Crash Twinsanity Music - Vs Evil Twins by BlueKunai Soundtracks. Number of Comparisons: 3 Franchise: Crash Bandicoot Uka Uka is the evil younger twin brother of Aku Aku. Uka Uka in Nitro Fueled sounds like Clancy Brown as Mr. Krabs if he exclusively talked like he sings Without You your own Pins on Pinterest. 1:48. Start your search now and free your phone Wenn wir über die „N. He is the evil twin brother of Aku Aku and the boss of Dr. Neo Cortex.