This is my first winter with my conure Yoshi, I just wanted to know some ways to keep him nice and warm this winter. If you need to transport your parrot during the winter, it's a good idea to run your car for a while before bringing the parrot out to get it warm. Even though I live in Central Florida and the coldest nights are no where near other states or countries, I still get asked how cold is cold and how do I safely keep my birds warm. Here is a sizing guide to help you decide which Sweater/Hoodie or Snuggie would work best for your feathered friend.... BIRD TYPE FLIGHTSUIT SIZE Macaw (Blue & Gold - Larger) Colossal Macaw (Green Wing) Colossal Macaw (Hyacinth) Colossal Conure (Crimson Bellied) Jr Small Conure (Green Cheek with a … Winter is almost here, and in some parts of the country, it's already snowing. Whatever the weather - we have something to keep your feathered friend warm this winter! Offer a variety of foods at your backyard feeding station, and you may be rewarded with a varitey of birds! Here are a few guidelines for pet bird owners to keep in mind during cooler temperatures that will help them keep their pet birds healthy and happy. Tagged: winter , bird , warm , cold , rain , heating aviary , cold parrot , Brisbane , Queensland , keep bird warm in winter , Explore Page Top 10 Ways to Help Birds in Bad Weather. by Bill Thompson, III | Editor, Bird Watcher's Digest. Many of our exotic and pet bird breeds are originally from warm, tropical climates and cold temperatures can be a health challenge. We follow the rule of thumb that says "if you're cold your bird is cold if you're comfortable your bird is comfortable". For those of us with companion animals, it's a cause for concern regarding how to keep our birds warm.So how do you manage to keep your animals warm in this expected prolonged deep freeze?Bird Talk put that question out to our friends on our What are some of your ways you keep your birds warm? : Winter Warm Bird Nest House Hut Bed Hammock Toy for Pet Parrot Parakeet Cockatiel Conure Cockatoo African Grey Eclectus Amazon Lovebird Budgie Finch Canary Hamster Rat Chinchilla Squirrel Cage Perch : Pet Supplies As the weather cools down, it's important to remember that birds need additional care in winter. Now is the best time to prepare your birds for the coming Aussie winter. How are you keeping your birds warm and healthy this winter? ... Don’t use sawdust, however; it can retain moisture once wet, which does not help the birds keep warm. Cover the parrot's carrier with a towel at home for 10-30 minutes beforehand so that the heat builds up inside the carrier to keep it warm.