When threatened, the eastern blue-tongue lizard displays its blue tongue in a wide-mouthed intimidating show. The eastern blue-tongue lizard, one of the largest skinks in Australia, is found throughout most of NSW. Blue Tongue Lizards CARE OF YOUR BLUE TONGUE LIZARD Bluetongues make ideal pets as they readily adapt to captivity, do not mind regular handling, are easy to feed and have fairly straightforward living requirements (for reptiles). And play they do with many young animals being seen over the next few months in both the wild and captivity. Blue-tongues will only bite under extreme provocation. However, like all reptiles, the cost of purchase of the animal is … Blue-tongued skinks - Generally docile, blue-tongued skinks make great starter lizards but need a good sized tank and full spectrum UV lighting. Blue-tongue lizards are slow moving and are not aggressive. Blue-tongues eat a wide variety of both plants and animals. Australia has more species of skinks than of all other lizards put together. Blue-tongue lizards are not poisonous and do not pose any threat to people or their pets. Widespread in lowland areas in the south of their range, they become progressively restricted to higher altitudes in the north. In fact, they can be a very helpful friend to have around the garden as they eat snails and caterpillars and other insects and can help keep the population of these invertebrate garden pests down. They … Being cold-blooded animals, they start their day by basking in the sun to warm themselves before setting off in search of food. Green anoles - Anoles are small lizards that are readily available and don't need a huge tank but they do need full spectrum UV lighting and are not as easily handled as other beginner lizards. Blue-tongued Lizard. Discussion in 'Australian Lizards and ... Victoria. Read more about Eastern blue-tongue lizard When blue tongues do a ‘full tongue’ display, the mouth is opened widely and the tongue is flattened and expanded. During cold weather, they remain in their shelters beneath logs, rocks, or crevices. The Blotched Blue-tongue's range extends from Tasmania, through Victoria to the Blue Mountains of NSW. They have rather short, stubby legs and tails, which is why they aren’t very good climbers. Not an agile animal, they feed on slow-moving beetles and snails. They are usually grey with broad brown stripes across their back and tail, and of course their most unique distinguishing feature is their blue tongue. Australia is home to six species of blue-tongued lizards. Feeding and diet. As well as that, lizards see bitumen roads as a good heat source and basking spot, but this really puts them in danger of traffic. I live in Victoria, Australia and Blue Tongue Skinks, often called BTS are quite a common find. The largest of the blue tongue lizards is the Northern blue tongue skink ranging between 18- and 24-inches in total length. Catching wild Blue Tongue lizards. Blue Tongue skinks are native to my area. Perhaps the most conspicuous lizard to many people who live in Southern Australia are Blue tongue lizards. lolz you probably could catch and keep them but youd have to have a very close look at the laws concerning you state if you caught a few and then made your backyard bluie friendly and escape proof you could then release them in the back yard. Blue tongue lizards are not dangerous to humans. You will start to see blue-tongues in spring as they begin emerging from their winter homes to look for mates. How Big is the Typical Blue Tongue Lizard? It is illegal and cruel to deliberately run over a blue-tongue, so if you see one on the road, take care when driving past. Their heads are triangular, and they tend to be medium-sized with a heavy body overall. This is the time that reptiles come out to play. At the same time, they may hiss and puff-up their body for maximum effect. “Blue tongue lizards have a highly conspicuous tongue, but unlike many other kinds of lizards, it’s a big tongue—the surface area is large. Blue tongue lizards are solitary animals that prefer to live alone.