~ Apart from being a major food source for the animals of the desert, thyme is commonly used in African and Middle Eastern cuisines. ~ Medicinally, this herb is used for treating indigestion, respiratory infections, and spasms. Animals in the Sahara Desert The fauna is represented by mammals, birds and various insects. The Sahara Desert is the largest hot desert in the world and the third largest desert (area wise) falling right after Antarctica and the Arctic. The dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas), a small gazelle species, inhabits the Sahara Desert and surrounding grasslands. ~ The soil of the Sahara Desert is home to a drought-resistant herb called thyme (Genus: Thymus). ThOUGHT CO: ANIMALSĀ AND PLANTSĀ OF THE SAHARA DESERT Due to the high temperatures and arid conditions of the Sahara Desert, the plant life in the Sahara Desert is sparse and includes only around 500 species. Among them, in the Sahara there are jerboas and hamsters, gerbils and antelopes, a maned ram and miniature chanterelles, jackals and mongooses, sand cats and camels. Designated as vulnerable by the IUCN, only 35,000-40,000 of these animals exist today. Plants that thrive in the Sahara desert include Laperrine's olive tree, doum palm tree, lovegrass, wild desert gourds, peyote cactus, date palm tree, desert thyme, tobacco tree, tamarisk shrub and Ephedra alata. An Exhaustive List of the Animals in the Sahara Desert. The climatic and geographical conditions makes it one of the very harsh and inhabitable regions on the planet. The dorcas gazelle is well-adapted to life in the desert.