Source. You see, it is easy to attempt this kiss but difficult to get it right. Although it can be difficult to do it, kissing while your eyes are open will hep you admire your partner’s face and expression while you’re in this very intimate moment. Most break ups happen due to a poor performance in this kiss. It may also be great if you kiss your partner in a whole new light by opening your eyes while you kiss him/her. ... close your eyes… Tongue kissing! Flickr/Tuan Le You know when you can feel someone staring at you even if you can't see them? However, if the distance between the groin and the torso is close, this is a protective love kiss. Future Bible Heroes - Kiss Me Only with Your Eyes Lyrics. Future Bible Heroes Kiss Me Only With Your Eyes Lyrics. You see, it is easy to attempt this kiss but difficult to get it right. You kiss the way you feel comfortable kissing, if you want to kiss with your eyes open you can but if you feel more comfort with closed eyes then that's also fine. There’s a big difference between a peck on the cheek and a full blown pash, but what about everything in between? ... A sexy break after a french kiss. Don't worry, the TV will still be there when you're done. 16 types of kisses and their meanings decoded! That's what it will feel like to your partner if you don't shut your eyes while you kiss them. For Your Eyes Only is a 1981 film in which Agent 007 is assigned to hunt for a lost British encryption device and prevent it from falling into enemy hands.. If there is a distance between the torso and the groin, this forehead kiss tells it is a platonic relationship. A kiss with the tongue involved. Directed by John Glen.Written by Michael G. Wilson and Richard Maibaum, based on short stories written by Ian Fleming. All the movies you watch have stars doing these kisses. The thirst that from the soul doth rise Read Nate's POV: First Kiss from the story For Your Eyes Only by kaywritesx (Kelsey) with 21,504 reads. Keep your eyes closed. Here’s Why You Kiss With Your Eyes Closed. KISSKILL campaign 'FOR YOUR EYES ONLY' 2014 Photographer Peter Coulson @ Model: Rhiannon Tragear-Ragg Vicious Models Hair & Make-up: Dani J Fuentes Mua Designer: Although it can be difficult to do it, kissing while your eyes are open will hep you admire your partner’s face and expression while you’re in this very intimate moment. A kiss with the tongue involved. 9. chicklit, blind, love. “His true level of physical and emotional intimacy are not only revealed through kissing, but also by his passion and displays of tenderness, and nurturing and protectiveness, which can be communicated through kisses such as the butterfly, forehead, earlobe, head and eskimo kiss.” Here’s your kiss-by-kiss guide… Closed Mouth Kiss Have you ever wondered why you kiss with your eyes closed? The French kiss – kiss me, close your eyes… Tongue kissing! In short, the brain can’t deal with multiple stimuli at once, so in order to focus on kissing, we simply close our eyes while locking lips. 16 types of kisses and their meanings decoded! Kissing is its own language, and sometimes it's easier for a man to kiss than talk about feelings. When your guy kisses you on the forehead, you tend to lean close to him while closing your eyes.