Depending upon their location, they also eat harp and hooded seals and scavenge on carcasses of beluga whales, walruses, narwhals, and bowhead whales. "We cannot determine whether the young bear was carrion or not -- nobody can," added Kovacs, who is the leader of the Biodiversity Research Program at the Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromso. Its measurements suggest that Greenland sharks grow at a rate of 0.5–1 cm (0.2–0.4 in) per year. Unanswered Questions. Wiki User September 11, 2017 9:29PM. One Greenland shark was tagged off the coast of Greenland in 1936 and recaptured in 1952. Greenland shark cannot attain the given speed because this is the top speed. Polar bears can swim at a speed of about 10 km/h (6 mph) whereas Greenland shark cruises at 2.6 km/h (1.6 mph). Do Polar Bears Attack Humans? Otherwise, the Polar bear would fight back, and because sharks are scavengers, they don't like to fight for their food. Is johny sins dead. Polar Bears Dieting & Eating Habits Food Preferences & Resources. Spiders Think dating's hard? If they are fortunate enough they will also eat walrus, beluga whales and bowhead whales. 1. The Greenland shark has the longest known lifespan of all vertebrate species. Global warming may not be the only threat to the polar bear. The polar bear often relies on "still hunting" -- patiently waiting next to a hole in the ice until it senses a surfacing seal. Why was it once illegal to eat ice cream on cherry pie in Kansas. A shark will attack anything that struggles in the water. Polar bears feed mainly on ringed and bearded seals. 3. Over the past few decades several polar bear attacks on humans have been reported and they are likely to rise in future. At least you're not an arachnid. 3. Although they do not hunt these whales, occasionally they will come upon a whale carcass in their travels. The bear’s swimming speed is clearly ahead of a shark’s. Hunting by smell Using its sense of smell, the polar bear will locate seal birth lairs, and then break through the lair's roof in order to catch its prey. They will travel great distances to hunt their prey. It occurs because bears are now adapting to hunt on land as they cannot survive the summer months without food. I've never heard of sharks eating Polar bears, although they might attack one if they catch up with one as it's drowning. 2. The average speed of a Greenland shark is around 1.3 km/h. 4. No, they much prefer to eat seals. Scientists researching how far sharks hunt seals in the Arctic were stunned in June to find part of the jaw of a young polar bear in the stomach of a Greenland shark, a species that favors polar waters. However, in 2008, a zoo in Nuremberg, Germany, reported that a mother polar bear had killed and eaten one of her twin cubs. Why do sharks eat polar bears? A shark will attack anything that struggles in the water. "These sharks eat anything they find dead, and do some active hunting as well," Kit Kovacs, who made the find, told Discovery News. Polar bears pretty much eat only ringed seals and bearded seals. What country is charmin made in. I've never heard of sharks eating Polar bears, although they might attack one if they catch up with one as it's drowning. What do polar bears eat? Do polar bears eat sharks? While mostly the bears hunt seals and walrus they can and will eat other prey that comes their way. The sharks usually eat large seals but have even been known to polish off polar bears and reindeer. Already threatened by a thaw of ice around the North Pole, the polar bear's title as the top Arctic predator may under challenge from a shark. Sharks mostly cruise when they follow seals. Let’s see why do polar bears eat people. One diver filmed a shark rarely seen in the deep blue known as the Greenland shark, capturing a video of one of the largest species of shark which feeds on polar bears and can live up to 200 years.