The South Florida Water Management District this week launched the state’s first-ever team of paid hunters to track invasive Burmese pythons in South Florida. Can Florida’s top snake hunters stop them in time? Make more research about this, try using Google or buy books about this topic. Enough With the Biology Lesson, Tell Me About the Job. But spotting a tunnel-shaped snake trail, she disappeared into the cattails hunting for one. An invasion of Burmese python in the Florida Everglades is threatening the area's sprawling ecosystem. When I catch a rattlesnake do I kill it & sell body for skin or do i HAVE TO KEEP IT Alive & skin it myself? We reached out to one of the snake hunters who talks King Cobras, safety, snake bites and more. Lv 7. Answer Save. Lime Green Medic. Snake milking is a regulated industry. "We are very focused and driven to get the snake removed, so we try not to think about the danger too much. The South Florida Water Management District Governing Board's Python Elimination Program has eliminated its … Assuming a bounty hunter takes on 100 to 150 cases per year, he or she stands to earn an average salary in the range of $50,000 to $80,000. 8 years ago. One gram of certain types of snake venom can sell for $2,000. User Name: Remember Me? Stalking Killer Pythons With Florida’s Bounty Snake Hunters. They’re still out there, decimating wildlife populations and even posing a threat to humans. On average, snake milkers make around $2,500 per month, but snake venom is an expensive market. "We love what we do and we know we're very lucky. Of course, the more cases a bounty hunter resolves, and the higher the overall value of each case, the more they can earn. You probably would be lucky to make much more than 65-75 thousand a year and in all likely-hood will make less. Killing Pythons for Cash Lures Hunters to Florida Everglades ... begins Jan. 12 and offers $5,000 in prize money for those who slay the longest and largest number of … How to Become a Bounty Hunter. Advices If you decide to start collecting venom from snakes, be sure to wear some long asbestos gloves for your protection in case you get bitten by a snake and also have an anti-venom serum next to you all the time. I think the reason the state wont let just any body kill the snakes is because the skins are worth so much money, I htink the state probably wants to keep that to itself. Hunters earn an immediate $50 bonus for a snake up to 4 feet and an extra $25 for each foot above that. Venom Hunters left us with all sorts of questions. ), but even I understand these unwanted guests have got to go. The venom extractors are … This brings us to the second major factor in a bounty hunter’s earning power, namely the potential payout of each case. In the 1980s, pythons were luxury pets — but after Hurricane Andrew, nearly a thousand escaped. Cash that is so much needed for us White Nationalists. Never miss a story Choose the plan that's right for you. Own a mobile device that can run GPS software. ... CNN Photographs by Scott McIntyre for CNN. Hunters can earn up to $100 if they find a python guarding a nest of eggs and kill it on site.. The USDA regulates who can buy and sell snake venom. 7 Answers. Python Hunters: Don't Shoot the Snakes! To be hired as a python hunter, you must: Be 18 or older. Favorite Answer. In addition to the $8.10 an hour offered by the state, python hunters who kill snakes measuring up to 4 feet in length will earn $50 and $25 every additional foot after that.