If the cockatiel is not drinking water, it can lead to dehydration. I was planning to get a budgerigar parakeet, so I got everything prepared for it, including the food. “Lilies, for example, are not safe and can … They are to be in the cockatiel food list for sure. Cockatiels and budgies come from the same environment and have similar dietary needs. Grit: Healthy cockatiels and other pet birds, with the exception of canaries, finches, doves and pigeons, do not need grit to aid in digestion Feeding your cockatiel grit or using sandpaper type cage liners/perches can make your cockatiel sick by causing digestive impactions. Cockatiels and budgies have different nutritional needs and eat different mixes of food. It can be caused by unfamiliar food. My aviary birds (budgies, tiels, bourkes and princess parrots) all eat budgie seed supplemented with fresh vegies and they are all very healthy. Grit. You are to see an avian vet. Seeds should be reserved as treats. I got the 8 in 1 Ecotrition Grains and Greens Variety Blend for Parakeets seed mix, and ZuPreem classic avian maintenance FruitBlend Flavor Diet for Parakeets, budgerigars, parrotlets, and other very small parrots. The same rule goes onto cats and dogs. The food cockatiels can eat includes healthy vegetables like carrots, beet, cucumbers, all cabbage species (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.) This doesn't have to be a barrier to sharing a cage, but it may mean that you need to either feed them outside the cage, away from each other, or feed each one at … But cockatiels have bigger beaks so they can handle some slightly larger foods than budgies. Can cockatiels eat bread? Choose from a wide variety of premium nutrition and tasty treats. Can cockatiels eat budgie seed? Eggs provide protein as well. can a cockatiel eat cereal and oatmeal? In the same bird cage, a parakeet (budgie) might boss around a cockatiel and chase it away from the bird food bowl or perch. Yes, you can feed both your budgies and cockatiels on a budgie seed mix. and tomatoes. Wheatgrass Can Improve the Health, Vitality, and Fertility of Your Companion and Breeder Birds. _____ I saw in a few bird forums that they worry about cockatiels and iron but my bird store isn't worried about that. Parakeets that don't get enough sunlight may need supplemental vitamin D to help absorb dietary calcium. The problem is, cockatiels tend to selectively eat only 1 or 2 of their favorite types of seed. bird food – premium bird nutrition & treats. The parrot food is fine; Cockatiels are parrots! The parrot food is fine; Cockatiels are parrots! Wheatgrass juice revitalizes and energizes humans, and it can do the same for companion birds.