The cat’s claw is attached to the distal phalange. Technically speaking, you don’t have a boner. It's a penis bone belonging to a cave bear! The baculum helps keep its owner's penis stiff, but the exact purpose is still unclear. Brilliant - I find the Onion pretty patchy but that piece is a zinger. The human penis is a puzzler, no bones about it April 11, 2012 4 ... including cats, dogs and rats, have a bone in their penis called a “baculum ... why do some species have a penis bone? ... Add timeout to first refresh job log to have log output earlier – baculum: Do not show unknown job level for admin job type – baculum: Add new directives and new resources support You may not be familiar with them, though, because no matter what anyone might claim, humans don’t have them. If you think this is a femur, you're totally wrong! yarb commented on the list animals-that-have-baculums-bacula-bakula-baculae "Bakula said he would try to tip the campaign into victory, but his main goal was to teach McCain about what's truly important in life." A bone in the penis (penis bone, boner) usually found in most mammals, like dogs, cats, and walruses. Very rarely, someone will form a bone in their penis because of a buildup of calcium, but that’s not a true baculum. Scientists have theorized that it might make it easier for a male animal to maneuver inside his mate. In the baculum (penis bone), the shaft is long and narrow and slightly curved. Near the top, the penis is haired, but the base is almost naked. Both will have their scrotum intact; however, the desexed cat will have had his testicles removed, resulting in a small and flat scrotum. Some modern mammals (including ferrets, mice, dogs and even apes) have a bone inside their penis, called the baculum. Some cats have additional toes, known as polydactyly (or Hemingway cats). Not only that, but a desexed male will look different from an entire male cat. The baculum is an extraskeletal bone located in the penis of a few species in several orders of mammals such as carnivores, insectivores, rodents, bats and primates. Cats are digitigrade, which means walk on their toe (unlike humans who walk on the flat of the foot). You may also have read on the Internet that humans rely on hydraulics instead of a bony baculum, except that, in fact, the other mammals have hydraulically powered penises and a baculum, too. Males of Racey's pipistrelle bat have a long, straight penis with a notch between the shaft and the narrow, egg-shaped glans penis. – baculum: Do not store any main oauth2 client nor main http basic user in api config – baculum: Update Japanese translation files – baculum: Fix availability web config wizard when there is problem with access to api – baculum: Add new size directive control – baculum: Fix logging output if it is not possible to decode to json A Baculum is a bone found in the penis of not only the Raccoon, but of many other species – some primates, rodents, insect eaters, bats, and some cats. This means that any species in these groups without a baculum, such as humans, must have lost it over the course of evolution. ... but canines are aided by a tiny bone called a baculum. Determining the sex of a cat can be confusing, particularly in young kittens where the anatomy is small and under-developed. Why Humans Have No Penis Bone. Although there are more than 80 million pet dogs in the United States, surprisingly few of us have much to do with their reproduction. (But your dog does). Some will tell you that, walruses aside, the penis bone is a vestigial trait, like the appendix, and humans just happen to have dispensed with it. When a cat is declawed, the claw along with the distal phalange is amputated. The Baculum featured here is that of a Raccoon, and has been used for centuries in the Americas for love and lust magick. – Fix cats-test.c compile – baculum: Upgrade W3.CSS from version 4.10 to 4.13 – Add Docker Plugin for FileDaemon.