A conspicuous resident in the deserts of the Southwest and Mexico, the Gila Woodpecker is a characteristic bird of the saguaro cactus forests. As a woodpecker, its diet is composed greatly of insects, which it gains from drilling into bark. Find out interesting Sonoran Desert facts for Kids. Go search our collection or take a look at our random and recent coloring pages or simply browse our coloring pages collection using our gallery below. Nests in holes in cacti and desert trees. They have striking black and white barred patterns on their backs, upper wings and tails. Once the woodpeckers have abandoned their nests, other species of birds, including owls and flycatchers, use the holes to build their own nests. Males have a red crown patch that females lack. Bird Nest Information: Lesson for Kids. Common and conspicuous in stands of saguaro, or giant cactus, it also lives in the trees along desert rivers, and is … Our smallest woodpecker, the downy is also among our most widespread and familiar species; it is a confiding bird that often visits feeders. Woodpeckers Interesting Facts Photo Gallery. 16 inches, the Gila woodpecker can be found in deserts, brushy woodlands and urban parks from the American southwest to west-central Mexico. Their black bodies are covered in beadlike scales with bright spots, blotches, or bands of pink, orange, or yellow, which probably warn other animals to stay away. Gila Woodpecker A brash, noisy woodpecker of desert regions. Its abandoned nesting and roost holes provide shelter for birds, mammals and reptiles. Common and conspicuous in stands of saguaro, or giant cactus, it also lives in the trees along desert rivers, and is quick to move into towns and suburbs. The Gila (pronounced HEE-luh) is the largest lizard native to the United States. The Gila monster is one of only a few poisonous lizards in the world. The Gila woodpecker is omnivorous and eats insects, fruit from the saguaro cactus and other cacti, berries, and the eggs of other birds. The pileated woodpecker is one of the largest woodpecker species in North America and its look is unmistakable—a large black bird with white on each side of its neck and a red crest on its head. Find out some interesting facts about these amazing birds. You can print out online for free here on ColoringKids.org! NPS photo. Printable fun fact sheet with facts about the Sonoran Desert Biome for kids. You can print out online for free here on ColoringKids.org! For example, they may help to disperse the plants whose seeds they store and eat. More. Chapter 4 / Lesson 10. It feeds primarily on insects, cactus fruit and berries. Woodpeckers Interesting Facts Photo Gallery. Male and female. Partners in Flight estimates a global breeding population of 1.6. million birds, with 28% living in the U.S., and 72% in Mexico. Facts: Animal Facts for Kids. They can be found worldwide except in Australia and New Guinea. Gila Woodpecker: Medium woodpecker, black-and-white barred upperparts and central tail feathers, buff-gray neck and underparts. The sound of the pileated woodpecker's hammering carries a long distance through the woods where they live. Gila woodpeckers are omnivorous, and do take fruits, nectar, seeds, as well as lizards, eggs, worms, and even young chicks of small birds. Gila Woodpecker is classified as “Least Concern” by the IUCN. They are even known to hang on human placed hummingbird feeders and sip up the nectar. Most woodpeckers have a distinct undulating flight consisting of a few rapid wing beats followed by a quick glide when the wings are tucked against the body rather than spread like many other birds. The Gila is a species of woodpecker birds found in the Sonoran Desert. Gila_Woodpecker_(18144768331) which are suitable for boys and girls. A brash, noisy woodpecker of desert regions. In flight, large white wing patches can be seen. They are part of the family Picidae and the subfamily Picinae. After the red-headed woodpeckers use a nest cavity, other birds and mammals may use it to nest. Red-headed woodpeckers also creating nest cavities that other birds and mammals depend on. See the fact file below for more information on the woodpecker or alternatively, you can download our 25-page Woodpecker worksheet pack to utilise within the classroom or home … The Gila Woodpecker works for months to dig out a cavity in a cactus. Partners in Flight estimates a global breeding population of 1.6. million birds, with 28% living in the U.S., and 72% in Mexico. Woodpeckers are just as susceptible to fatal window collisions as any other birds, especially if they hit the glass at a bad angle.