Cinnstar Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers is located near Sulphur Springs Texas, about an hour and a half East of the DFW Metroplex. Located in Venice, FL. We are a mother-daughter team located in Southern Ontario. His playfulness, a part of Tolling, also makes him an entertaining companion. Welcome to Dunfield Nova Scotia Ducking Tolling Retrievers! We have been involved with Tollers for more than 15 years and breed our dogs on a very limited basis. We have owned Tollers since 2003 and now have owned seven of these wonderful dogs . With everything proceeding to plan, this litter would be whelped in the spring of 2020. We breed and work with nova scotia duck tolling retriever and curly coated retriever. Dogs which enhance your happiness and bring joy to all those around them. Our dogs Storm, Jack, Finn, Pepper, Solo, Rush and Billie . Home of Offshore Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers and American Water Spaniels. We are Judith and Andrew Trickett and live in Gloucestershire, United Kingdom . Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever At Forest Cove Tollers our breeding program focuses on excellent structure, strong working ability and great temperaments. Praetorium Latobicorum's. For further details see our "Puppies" pag - Toller Breeder - Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever - Tollers - Visit us on Facebook at "Delrickbay Tollers" page Our dogs are health tested, have passed retriever work trials, obedience and rally obedience exams, compete in sled sports, search truffles, have breeding licenses and very few litters. This is why we here at Nopper are committed to producing family friendly Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers which are joy to live with and live with for a long time. Our own Tollers and puppies from our past litters have excelled in a variety of venues including Agility, Rally, Obedience, Lure Coursing, Conformation, Therapy, and of course, Water Fowl Hunting and Upland Bird Hunting. This means Tollers which are equally happy in the field or on your couch. Welcome to the home of Tollpepper Tollers . We train and compete our Tollers for performance events: Hunt Tests (AKC and HRC), AKC Obedience, Rally and Agility trials, and show our Tollers in AKC conformation shows. We are currently in the process of making arrangements for our next breeding of Shelby this winter. After many generations of pure breeding, it was recognized by The Canadian Kennel Club in 1945 and christened the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. Temperament Highly intelligent and easy to train, the Toller has already made a name for itself in obedience competition. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Breeders Displaying Breeders From: Australia and New Zealand (18) Australia (17) Queensland (3) New South Wales (5) Victoria (5) Tasmania (0) South Australia (2) Western Australia (2) Northern Territory (0) Australian Capital Territory (0) New Zealand (1)