To get rid of skunks living under your house, you need to use traps to capture them as they leave their dens. When your house smells like a skunk, it can be one of the most unpleasant things in the world. In case skunks have kits which can leave the dens by themselves, you can consider using exclusion method to remove them. Skunks are known to spray bad odors, especially when threatened. The odor is strong, unpleasant, and difficult to get rid of. So, when a skunk approaches your house, the sensors in these sprinklers will be triggered and they will turn on. In case the skunk menace shows no signs of subsiding, you can opt for installing motion-based water sprinklers around your garden. SIX WAYS TO GET RID OF SKUNKS: 1. Perhaps the easiest way to tell if you have a skunk is by their musk. Persistent, faint musky smells under a building or woodpile may suggest that a skunk has taken up residence. How to keep skunks away from your property: Skunks are generally easy-going animals and they help in eliminating common insect and rodent pests. On first moving in, I … Skunk smell can get into your house by a variety of sources. These are very common calls and often times when we get a call for a skunk under a house, it comes with a degree of urgency from the customer. 01/14/19 . • A skunk simply sprayed the outdoors near your house, and the smell seeped in through the HVAC system or … Skunks are also known to … • A skunk sprayed in the crawl space for any number of reasons. When a skunk gets under the house of your home, we all think of the most well-known damage that they can cause. Usually, the skunk’s characteristic order is scarcely noticeable, if at all. It is well-known to … Skunks can burrow and live under your house. It’s important to know how to look for signs of skunks under your house, in your yard and in other areas of your home, so you can prevent them from destroying your plants and grass. Skunks, the nocturnal pests, can be anywhere. Call For A Free Estimate. It can be in your yard, in the attic or under the shed. The smell of skunk is unbearable and vile. Encountering a skunk is always nerve-wracking, even in the best of circumstances. For Your Home For Your Business Wildlife About Us Locations. Discussed below are some signs of skunks living under your shed or porch. Faint Bad Odors This is the most obvious sign. When the skunk notices the den has been disturbed, the animal may set up house in a spot away from your property. It is more likely you will smell a skunk than see one. Skunks make cozy dens in various locations, including heaps of rocks and raised sheds. Skunks Under House, Skunk Problem. Skunks are natural burrowers, and small holes in your yard may be an indicator of a skunk looking for food. Has a skunk visited your home and sprayed your pet or your furniture? How to Get Skunk Smell Out of the House. You may find small, shallow holes in the lawn, similar to those made by squirrels, which are a result of a skunk foraging for grubs. Natural sunlight helps to break down the smell in curtains and other fabrics. Look for these six signs to figure out if you have a skunk near your home. They will also dig deeper holes near your home or other structures for shelter. Skunks have a powerful spray that can be aimed at anything within a five-yard radius and can be smelled from a mile away at times. While there is no way that a person can detect the presence of skunks during daylight, there are a few signs to tell if a skunk is living inside your house – under your shed or the porch. If they are startled in anyway, their response is to turn and start spraying with that horrible liquid that comes from their anal glands. Signs of a Skunk Infestation. Skunk Under House. There is honestly not an … Occasionally we'd see some wildlife traipse across the yard (a beautiful red fox once, complete with LARGE fuzzy tail!). They also destroy lawns and gardens with their digging habit.