Red pandas have always lived in the shadow of the other, more famous panda. read more The pandas use their ringed tails as wraparound blankets in the chilly mountain heights. Red pandas live in the Eastern Himalayas in places like China, Nepal, and Bhutan. Red pandas lead mostly solitary lifes only really coming together to mate or when the mother and the cubs are together for the first year after birth. Now they only live in bamboo forests of Shaanxi, Sichuan, and Gansu provinces of China. Bamboo is their main food but they are omnivorous and will eat small mammals, eggs, flowers and berries. Red pandas live in the mountains of Nepal and northern Myanmar (Burma), as well as in central China. Do red pandas live in a den or a nest? Red pandas usually live in the temperate forests of the Himalayan foothills and other Asian mountains, where climates remain consistently cool and rainy throughout the year. Where Do Pandas Live? Unanswered Questions. They are victims of deforestation as more and more forests are destroyed by logging and the spread of agriculture. The Minshan and Qinling mountains host the greatest number of pandas in the world. Red pandas are often killed when they get caught in traps meant for other animals, and are also poached for their distinctive pelts. Red panda cubs are weaned at 5 months and stay with their mother until the next litter is about to be born, which is about a year after their birth. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. They spend most of their time in trees. It seems to do most of its feeding on the ground. Red pandas lives in Asia and shares some of its habitat with the giant panda. As red pandas and giant pandas are not in the same animal family, their appearances are quite different. Pandas were once widespread in Eastern and Southern China. But now it's time to give the little guy its due. Red Panda. Currently, red pandas live in the Eastern Himalayas. Threats. Learn about the ways WWF works to protect endangered species, including the Red Panda. It is nocturnal and may live alone, in pairs, or in family groups. By Sarah Michaels. They don’t hibernate, but they do rely on their heavy fur and bushy tails to keep them warm during cold spells. This page was last updated on December 20, 2017. In fact it looks like a cross between all three! Also they move very rapidly like chipmunk. There are red panda and giant panda: both are present in forests of temperate mountaneous ranges of oriental Asia. Its scie  ntific name is Ailurus fulgens. Red pandas spend most of their time in trees, but they are endangered. They’re better adapted to cold than to heat, and they spend winters as well as summers in their home territories. Where do I live? The birthplace of the red panda is the southeastern part of the Himalayan Mountains, where it is found at an altitude of 2000-4000 m. The range of the small panda is limited to the provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan in China, north of Burma, Bhutan, Nepal and the north India. The primary threats to red pandas are direct harvest from the wild, live or dead, competition with domestic livestock resulting in habitat degradation, and deforestation resulting in Unfortunately, these adorable animals are … The majority of the red panda’s diet (80-90%) is bamboo shoots and leaves but they will also eat lichen, grasses, acorns, insects, grubs, small vertebrates and bird eggs. Populations of red panda can be found in Nepal, India and Bhutan as well as China and Myanmar. Red pandas can live up to 14 years in captivity. Male red pandas do not share the raising of the cubs, it is completely left to the mother red panda to raise and care for the cubs herself. One species that lives in the tropical rainforest is the red panda. And it is here that WWF has focussed its giant panda conservation work, supporting the Chinese government's efforts to conserve the species. Their semi-retractable claws help them move easily from branch to branch. Behaviour. Movement Adaptation Facts bioliography Red pandas are good climbers so their method of obtaining food is to use their sharp claws to climb trees by gripping the branches.