Sam always had a little too much make-up and nice hairdo to be working on a ranch. Summer Love . (Just my opinion though) Oft wird fälschlicherweise angenommen, der Summer of Love bezeichne den Sommer des Jahres 1969, in dem das Woodstock-Festival stattfand. Der Ausdruck versucht, das Lebensgefühl zu beschreiben, das im Sommer 1967 im kalifornischen San Francisco herrschte. A young couple share a summer romance/trip with a visiting American artist. Directed by Clare Niederpruem. Two years after leaving town, photographer, Maggie, is reunited with her ex, Jake, when his sister is getting married and wants Maggie to shoot the wedding. Directed by Wayne Groom. Love the movie and actors overall, but there was one thing I had a hard time getting over. Find out more about the Hallmark Channel original movie “Summer Love” starring Rachael Leigh Cook, Lucas Bryant, and Travis Milne Here are the movies we're most looking forward to in Summer 2019. A story about love, relationships, nature, art, death and the meaning of life set in a beautiful scenery. With Scott Corfield, Ryan Miller, Natalie Laing, Bree Maddox. Hollywood has a lot in store for this year's summer blockbuster season, from sequels, reboots, and a new Quentin Tarantino film. When she and Jake decide to sing the bride's favorite duet, the sparks are reignited. With Laura Osnes, Scott Michael Foster, Andrea Brooks, Shannon Chan-Kent. Romance | 8 February 2019 (Nepal) Add a Plot » Director: Muskan Dhakal. This movie portrays a mature relationship between two people who meet under very realistic circumstances, each with a history of personal issues that remain unresolved, and the script allows them to slowly and cautiously develop a bond that Hallmark often misses in it's more "fluffy" offerings. Plus, the hat just did not look natural on her.