When Buddy starts screaming, listen to see if it's his typical, irritating shriek, if it seems to be a warning or if it's like nothing you've heard before. 1) Make sure your bird is not screaming due to hunger, thirst, pain, fear, boredom, illness, depression, etc. | Source. They want to know how to turn off the talking! They are very noisy birds that seek attention and they like to scream so yeah. Good or bad, your bird must find your reaction to be rewarding. more. If you yell back at your bird to stop screaming, it thinks that since you both are yelling, its … Ok so when a sum conure screams it means nothing at all. The first step to reduce screaming is to distinguish between your bird… Your parakeet might scream at certain times of the day, when he sees the neighbor's dog in your yard or when something is really amiss. She is about 4 years old, black masked, and absolutely will NOT stop screaming. Birds can be excellent companions, but they can also make a lot of noise. How to Keep a Pet Bird Quiet. Maybe you’ve kept your bird in an area where there is overexposure of sunlight. After all, even minuscule Finches make tiny beeping noises most of the time, and Budgies are famous for their continuous happy chirping and chortling sounds. Also, you can try some visual or audible activities to get your bird’s attention and get your bird to stop screaming. This yelling back only reinforces the screaming—when you scream at your bird to be quiet or stop, they think you are both yelling and they are getting attention so they do it more. Some birds chatter, while others whistle. How to Quiet a Screaming Bird or Parakeet. What to Do When Your Parakeet Won't Stop Squawking. 2) Try using traditional training methods first. This training technique is only intended to be used on healthy birds to train them to stop excessive screaming for attention. I have even had people call and complain about their Greys, who are happily yammering away non-stop. For example, don’t yell at the bird when it squawks. I own two cockatiels, and my roommate has a lovebird, Squirt and a cockatoo. The screaming will not stop overnight – after all the problem did not start overnight either. This often becomes the case, since bird owners do not feel the need of the bird. Ignoring the scream and giving food and attention when your bird is quiet are the best methods to use. Reward the bird for good behavior. Bird screams can worsen over time because many people naturally react to their bird screaming by yelling back. Try Changing Their Environment. Pick a vocalization that your bird already makes and encourage it. HOW TO STOP YOUR PARROT FROM SCREAMING: The solution to a screaming bird is to learn how YOU react when your bird is screaming. I'm new to these forums but I have been a bird owner for about 10 years. Kristen hails from Modesto, CA. This includes: Rotating/rearranging toys Kristen Haynie. Most birds have a variety of vocalizations that they make throughout the day even if they don't actually speak. Why's He Screaming? But what if your bird excessively screams? Training your Bird to Stop Screaming Birds are naturally vocal in the wild. She is self-employed, raises chickens in her backyard, and bakes her own bread. Bird owners need to realize that a certain amount of screaming is normal. Updated on July 10, 2019. Reassure Your Cockatoo Make a note of when your cockatoo calls for you the most during the day and evening. This will stop your bird from screaming and redirect her attention onto a more acceptable activity, which you can reward her for. A screaming bird can become agitated if they are yelled back at. Over time, you will find that your bird's former screaming has all but entirely been replaced with pleasant chattering. Contact Author. How to deal with a noisy parakeet. You can buy some pet-friendly toys or even make toys to keep your birds occupied with it. This yelling back reinforces the behavior of the screaming bird. For instance, a lot of people think that if they yell at their bird, it will stop screaming. Squirting the bird with a water bottle may get him to stop temporarily, but you may end up with a bird that doesn't trust you and may begin biting. We have tried just about everything either of us can think of at this point.