This program is only 4 weeks … How to Run a 5 Minute Mile. When it comes to training for these events, though, the two measurement systems aren’t so different. He devised a five-week plan for me, involving four weeks of training—two focused primarily on … This plan, developed by the Runner's World experts, will help you do it. 4 Weeks to 1 Mile Training Program . BOSTON MARATHON TRAINING PLAN – LEVEL FOUR WEEK 1 3-WEEK PREP PHASE MONDAY 4-6 mile Easy Run TUESDAY 5-7 mile Easy Run WEDNESDAY 7 mile Aerobic Run THURSDAY Off Day FRIDAY 4-6 mile Easy Run SATURDAY 5-6 mile Easy Run SUNDAY 11-13 mile Easy Long Run WEEK 2 3-WEEK PREP PHASE MONDAY Off Day TUESDAY 6-7 mile Aerobic Run Each is eight weeks long and contains a recovery week halfway through the plan. Running a Four Minute Mile By Frank Horwill Here's a training programme designed to crack the ultimate goal: the sub-four-minute mile . Running a 5 minute mile is no easy task. with distance runners, into an effective four run per week marathon training plan, that will help you push your body to new levels of running fitness. So optimal mile training puts as much emphasis on stamina as speed. It is designed to get you ready for the 24 hours, 40+ miles, of rucking you have in store. These printable training plans will help you crush your goals. Profiling a 1500m Runner Matching individual athlete skill sets with the physiological demands of the event Good combination of speed and endurance High VO2 Max (aerobic power) Good buffering capacity (anaerobic) Energy System Contributions . 45 seconds of running followed by 2 minutes o: f . Therefore, be objective. Find the best training plan for every distance and every level—whether you’re just starting out, or you’ve been at it for years. Many athletes believe that the ability to run three minutes or just under for three circuits of a metric track puts them in line for a sub-four mile. Phases of Training Duration Emphasis Applications . In 2013 I came across Dr. Phil Maffetone’s work and this kick-started an entire differ-ent approach to training for me, which resulted in my first of many Sub 3 Hour Mar-athons. Long Run Recovery Base Run Recovery Base Run Active Recovery Rest Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sabbath Week 1 Distance 1.5 miles 1 mile 1 mile Strength Training, Pilates, or other cross-training REST Instructions Walk 1 minute, Run 30 seconds … If you can’t, start with the 10-week plan for beginners. Although a man of 40 years of age, Eamonn Coghlan, has run a mile in under four minutes, achieving this feat is still a major accomplishment denied to tens of thousands of other athletes. 5k Training Plan This plan is designed for beginners who can currently go at least a mile with a walk/run combination. If you are already able to run, then join the program at the appropriate level. Day 3 : Week 1 . Day 1 . walking, repeat x4 1500m Training . It takes a lot of training and the right diet to achieve, but it can be done if you work hard at it. Cross Country . On a practical level, this means that if you start a 10-mile race at your 10K pace, you’re going to be in for a world of hurt in the last 3.8 miles! Transition . Want to break 4:00 in the marathon? Some people should speak to their doctor before undertaking any form of physical exercise, in particular, those who are (or have): Run half-marathon distance 64secs per mile slower than for one’s best mile time. It was a miserable experience. Example: best mile time 4:10, run 5mins.14secs/mile …