i'm aware that snakes are solitary creatures and should be kept alone but i've heard that boas and pythons are like one of the only species of snakes that wouldn't attack other snakes as i've read up on it online and that also emerald tree boas and green tree pythons have like that exact same care requirements, etc. I highly recommend Greg Maxwell’s The More Complete Chondro for anybody interested in green tree pythons, especially for those interested in purchasing a green tree python. The Green Tree Python spends most of its live living in the trees. I currently own four gila monsters so that takes up money on cages and all They will loop a coil around the trees and place their head in the middle. Amazon Tree Boa Care Sheet: Amazons are excellent first time arboreal snakes, being colorful and hardy. Green tree pythons are without a doubt a beautiful snake species, but is also without a doubt the worst snake to handle. adult olive python: Albino Olive Pythons. I am planning on making a enclosure that will go under my bed and will be 6 feet long, 4 feet wide and 2 feet high. The young GTF are abit smaller then the perons. Would it be possible/safe to house a baby green tree frog with a baby water dragon and/or an adult perons tree frog? They seem to tolerate husbandry errors much better than many of the arboreal species out there. The following advice is mainly aimed at non-snake reptile species. i currently have a perons which I revived and rescued and I really want a green tree frog(I miss the ones at grandmas so much:cry and kind of want a water dragon it the future. Female green tree pythons need to be at least 3½ years old and at least 2 pounds; male green tree pythons sometimes are willing to breed when 2½ to 3 years old. What is Python Technology? Consistently reproducing green tree pythons in captivity is a challenge. The green tree python vivarium can be decorated with artificial plants for a more natural look. Snake Ranch co-founder Gavin Bedford was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to work with the first and only known wild-caught Albino Olive Python shortly after it was discovered in a suburb in Darwin, NT. Averaging 4-6 ft. this slender snake is quick, aware and like no other species out there. I don't have the space or money to get another PVC cage it is 36 x 24 x 24. This husbandry page is not in-depth and primarily outlines how I house and care for my sub-adult chondros and what works for me. I was wanting to know if I could put two retics together and they would permanently live together, perferbly male and female because I want to breed. The green tree python (Morelia viridis), is a species of python native to New Guinea, islands in Indonesia, and Cape York Peninsula in Australia.Described by Hermann Schlegel in 1872, it was known for many years as Chondropython viridis.As its name suggests, it is a bright green snake that can reach 2 m in length and 1.6 kg in weight, with females slightly larger and heavier than males. Handling a green tree python is very difficult as this snake does not like to be handled and will usually snap at … Green tree pythons are arboreal snakes so they do like to climb on top of things to survey their surroundings. The vivarium should be decorated with various pieces of wood to enable them to do this. Rough and smooth green snakes are closely related, and while there are some differences between them, their care in captivity is essentially the same. Certain species will show aggression to each other e.g.