Are you kidding? Despite its name, the white-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus townsendii) is a large North American hare and not a rabbit.Both rabbits and hares belong to the family Leporidae and order Lagomorpha.Hares have larger ears and feet than rabbits and are solitary, while rabbits live in groups. Are they the same thing? The hares have numerous predators, which they evade by running in zig-zag patterns at speeds up to 30 miles per hour and jumping up to 20 feet. What is clear is that the crew at Merrie Melodies saw hares and rabbits as interchangeable. She simply drops them on the dusty ground, nurses for a few weeks then takes off to let them fend for themselves. Though their name might suggest otherwise, jackrabbits are not in fact true rabbits. Jackrabbit definition is - any of several large hares (genus Lepus) of western North America having very long ears and long hind legs. When the surrounding air temperature is slightly below the rabbit’s body temperature, as when it retreats from hot desert sun into shade, the blood vessels in the outer part of its ears widen in a process called vasodilation. Early settlers of the Southwest noted the animal’s long ears and called it a “jackass rabbit,” which was later shortened to the current common name.. The prize: a night with the loser's wife. The black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus), also known as the American desert hare, is a common hare of the western United States and Mexico, where it is found at elevations from sea level up to 10,000 ft (3,000 m).Reaching a length around 2 ft (61 cm), and a weight from 3 to 6 lb (1.4 to 2.7 kg), the black-tailed jackrabbit is the one of the largest North American hares. A jackrabbit is a hare. Hares and jackrabbits are leporids belonging to the genus Lepus. A hare is a lagomorph (order) of the genus lepus. Given that Warner Bros Cartoons was based in Los Angeles, California, the main experience of the people working there was likely the jackrabbit — a hare that is called a rabbit. Around the 1600s, the Germans invented a bunny figure called Oschter Haws, who left colourful eggs in nests that children had made in baskets. Jackrabbits are hares. Live hares were often presented as a gift of love. A hare is in a sense a wild animal. Given that Warner Bros Cartoons was based in Los Angeles, California, the main experience of the people working there was likely the jackrabbit — a hare that is called a rabbit. The hares powerful long hind legs enable them to run away from danger, and they can run up to 45 miles per hour, and they run close to the ground. The white-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus townsendii), also known as the prairie hare and the white jack, is a species of hare found in western North America.Like all hares and rabbits, it is a member of the family Leporidae of order Lagomorpha.It is a solitary individual except where several males court a female in the breeding season. The young hares (or "leverets") are born with eyes open, fur on, and more or less ready to go. Hares are classified in the same family as rabbits. "Jackrabbit" is an American term for hares. What is a leveret? Like Bugs, he is not actually a rabbit, as his name implies, but a hare. They are similar in size and form to rabbits and have similar herbivorous diets, but generally have longer ears and live solitarily or in pairs. Jackrabbits are five separate species native to the deserts and scrublands of western and central North America. The hare can reach speeds up to 40 miles an hour while the smaller rabbit can attain speeds up to 20 miles per hour. Are we just splitting hares? A primate is a primate. Coyote spies a jackrabbit (a hare), and confident in his own superior agility and endurance, eagerly begins the chase, which lasts all day, zigging and zagging over hill and dale. Early settlers of the Southwest noted the animal’s long ears and called it a “jackass rabbit,” which was later shortened to the current common name. The whitetail jackrabbit is the largest hare in the Great Plains, having a head and body length of 18 to 22 inches (46 to 56 cm) and weighing 5 to 10 pounds (2.2 to 4.5 kg). These long-legged and long-eared animals are actually hares—meaning that … The rabbits are domesticated and are grown as pets. The black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus) is found throughout the western United States in the desert, open plains, and foothills.The jackrabbit is actually not a rabbit, but a hare. Like Bugs Bunny, the Texas jackrabbit is not actually a rabbit, as his name implies, but a hare.