When your cat touches her nose to your face or head-butts you, she is showing her affection and bonding with you. Every cat owner has experienced it: You're curled up on the couch when your kitty approaches, jumps on your lap, walks alllll over your body in search of a comfortable place to sit, and — inevitably — sticks its butt directly in your face. I swear at this rate, She will give me a bleeding nose one of these days. Head Butting. level 1. Do cats not know how gross their butts are? Why Does My Cat Bunt or Headbutt Me? We can't know for sure, but cats tend to scent-mark objects that are most important to them. He looks like he’s thinking ‘I don’t get your behavior. Why Does My Cat Bunt or Headbutt Me? edit: turns out she loves me :) thanks all. What is Pica in Cats & How Can I Help My Cat Stop Chewing? He looks like he’s thinking ‘I don’t get your behavior. With cats they are doing something totally different. It is a positive sign of affection :) With cats they are doing something totally different. Can I Stop Them? Why Do Cats Knead? 10 years ago. If my cat can't use English to show they love me, we have to see what other signs they use to show us love. You’re sitting in ... For the cat to place his face so close to yours and engage in this bonding behavior is quite an act of trust. Here's why she does it. “My dog usually backs away. My current cat is the first to do this. Why Does My Cat Bite and then Lick me? If my cat can't use English to show they love me, we have to see what other signs they use to show us love. It does nothing for me but you’re nice around me.’ He doesn’t get it but it works out for them anyway,” she said. Why Do Cats Scratch? Or are they purposely trying to annoy you? Okay, so while I'm not really sure of how my answer will play out…I LOVE THIS QUESTION! A cat who head-rubs your face with wide open eyes close to your face pays you a huge compliment in terms of trust by placing herself in a vulnerable position. This article on the 10 signs that my cat loves me from oneHOWTO shows us what all the licks, belly rolls and head butts actually mean. Many cat owners experience their cat randomly jumping onto their lap and headbutting them. (Advice for Cats Who Run & Hide) Every morning when i sit on the couch generally as soon as i wake up to have my coffee, my cat will climb up to my chest and softly headbutt my face and then sit on my lap and purr. I find it very cute but not sure why he does it, is he hot? Why Does My Cat Headbutt Me Every Morning? Johnson-Bennett says her cat frequently head bunts her dog. she lilkes to jump on my lap and then she hits me hard in the face with her forehead. They come up to me, and headbutt me, purring in my ear, rubbing my face, giving me kisses, etc.