To be precise, the poet here celebrates the ‘poetry of earth’ – the music … On the Grasshopper and the Cricket: Summary & Analysis Read More » This poem points out to me how important it is for childeren and all of us to spend as much time in nature as possible. A poem is made of words arranged in a beautiful order. Posted 07/01/2012 09:13 AM One bright day in late autumn a family of Ants were bustling about in the warm sunshine, drying out the grain they had stored up during the summer, when a starving Grasshopper, his fiddle under his arm, came up and humbly begged for a bite to eat. While similar, I thought you might appreciate some of the “American” humor and political overtones so I’m pasting it below. Poems that have stories are really cool. The Grasshopper starved to death, no doubt, And the Ant grew richer, and had the gout, As most of his brethren do; I know that it's better to save one's pelf, And the Ant is considered a wise old elf, But I like the Grasshopper more myself,-- Though that is between we two. On the Grasshopper and Cricket John Keats Working with Poem(Page No: 123) 1. It had sorta the same idea. Great job! An Ant passed by, Bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the Nest. You know the story--it's centuries old--How the Ant and the Grasshopper met, we're told,On a blustering day, when the wind was cold And the trees were bare and brown;And the Grasshopper, being a careless blade,Who all the summer had danced and played,Now came to the rich old Ant for aid, And the latter "turned him down. It reminded me of this movie called "A bugs life". I'm alsoa fanof the grasshopper's attire. 'The Ants And The Grasshopper' - Poem by Sadia Maqsood. The ant and the grasshopper story was quite interesting in that I had just received an “Old” version and a “Modern” version last week from a friend. They just don't write 'em like that anymore. Discuss with your partner the following definition of a poem. These An Introduction to the poem “On the grasshopper and the Cricket” by John Keats is a fine piece of sonnet written in December 1816. You must have heard this famous fable, Of the ants and the grasshopper; Let's now see how it happened, When some toiling ants and a lazy grasshopper, In autumn chanced to meet each other; Late in autumn on a bright day, A family of ants marched on a heap of hay, On the Grasshopper and Cricket praises the continuous beauty of nature by taking into account the song of two particular insects, the grasshopper and the cricket. There was an ant and grasshopper, their story here retold. He lived with many other ants in tunnels underground. Preparing for the Winter to be sure he’d make it through. The question is why not. In the end, does the ant help the grasshopper out to teach it a lesson? But Ant said, "No, I .... Read the poem … The poem was inspired by the beauty of nature, the most common theme among the Romantic poets. The ant brought the grasshopper a spider leg He had fought and won on the battlefield She said, Oh dear!, I don’t want that near No, no, no, I say still!