This is a protocol that I heard about many years ago for getting rid of Giardia, and have used many times successfully (and safely) in cats and dogs. This drug has reasonable efficacy against Giardia and has the added advantage of being effective against other parasitic protozoa and some bacteria that may also have contributed to the diarrhea. Flagyl (Metronidazole) This medication also has the benefit of having anti-inflammatory properties. Giardia is a one celled organism called protoza that are located in the small intestines. There are numerous Giardia natural remedies that cats responds to. There are several medications which may be used to treat clinically affected cats; however, no drugs been approved for the treatment of giardia in cats in the USA. It is transmitted in cats in the same way it is in dogs: By ingesting the infectious “cysts,” shed by another animal in poop. Giardia is the most common intestinal parasite found in humans. To date, no study has shown the Giardia spp. Most of these ingredients should be available at your local health food store or combined in supplements designed to fight against parasitic infections. What can giardia cysts do to cats? "Caring for a cat giardia patients starts with an understanding of the disease spreads, which is through cysts found in cat feces. Metronidazole is an antibiotic that has been widely used to treat Giardia in cats as well as in people. Table 1. Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA is a global healthcare leader working to help the world be well. in the wild, cats would naturally look for herbs that helped to correct common disorders. vaccines licensed for dogs and cats to have lessened Giardia spp. The cysts when ingested turn into parasites which negatively affect the digestive tract, making it difficult for some cats to absorb nutrients. Treating giardia in cats with panacur is a safe and effective resolution. Usually, cats develop this infection after drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated feces from another animal. Feces from infected animals should be removed from the environment promptly. infections in the field and so both vaccines have been discontinued. Giardia is an infection of the intestines caused by a parasites. Cats with weaker immune system (i.e. There are several medications which may be used to treat clinically affected cats; however, no drugs been approved for the treatment of giardia in cats in the USA. With no food in the system, the digestive enzymes go to work on anything else that might be in the intestines–including parasites. Cats have to drink or eat the parasite in order to become infected. From developing new therapies that treat and prevent disease to helping people in need, we are committed to improving health and well-being around the world. Giardiasis is caused by the Giardia intestinalis parasite, which can infect both people and animals. There are two stages of giardia, the motile stage and the cystic stage. Giardiasis is a medical condition that refers to an intestinal infection caused by the protozoan parasite giardia, and this parasite can also infect animals, including cats. Drugs used for the treatment of Giardia … Even if only one of your cats exhibits Giardia symptoms, you should treat every feline and canine in your household. Flagyl (Metronidazole) This medication also has the benefit of having anti-inflammatory properties. How to Diagnose and Treat Giardia in Cats. kittens or older cats) will show signs of Giardia, but usually cats with a low number of parasites will have no symptoms Forms of Giardia in Cats Giardia is a parasite and may take two forms in cats: the swimming trophozites and the cysts that contain trophozites. Giardia Natural Remedy Cat Treatment. Giardiasis in cats , while less often recognized than in dogs , is contagious. This protocol utilizes digestive enzymes on an empty stomach. This test confirms the presence of Giardia antigens, but even if the test is negative, your vet still might choose to treat your cat with Panacur since the drug is relatively safe and Giardia can be transferred to people. Merck and the Merck Veterinary Manual.