Animal protein of ANY kind - cat or dog food, meat, cheese, insects, money biscuits, etc. And if so is she gravid (ready to lay eggs)? Currently, there are several beautiful designer morph green iguanas available on the market. now she eats like crazy. Making the iguana stressed out by un necessary handling will stop him/her from from wanting to eat. Pellets for iguanas should always be mixed with real food, and make sure you keep a decent 5 to 1 balance when doing so. If you ever give your ig iguana diet dried food, please read the ingredients there are so many products on the market today that clearly puts meat protein in there ingredients, usually w/ in the first 10 ingredients. Iguanas can fall large distances (up to 15 feet) without hurting themselves. Top 10 Facts About Iguanas. 1 decade ago. Just like the similarly large green iguanas, they should be fed a strict vegetarian diet. And they need good food with good nutrition. First thing, are you sure it's a female? This means the species typically will not eat animal-based food, including insects, unless forced to in the wild. Is the temperature correct? Do not leave a burrow open. Iguanas live in tropical rainforests in Central and South America, and on Caribbean islands. But, if you live in a place where iguanas roam freely, the question of how to get rid of iguanas … Feeding a Baby Iguana. Unless you can provide adequate facilities for an adult green iguana, you should not consider purchasing a green iguana as a pet. People used to give iguanas meat or bugs to make them grow bigger, especially at a younger age. If you're feeding a proper diet, try switching it up because the iguana might be sick of what you're feeding him/her. If fed, they should be offered infrequently. evanescence_fr3ak. Relevance. Iguanas have strict feeding and housing requirements, can grow quite large, live a long time, and can be very strong. Many experts concur that feeding iguanas animal protein is not a good choice, and should only be done on rare occasions. Rhinoceros iguana. This isn't to say iguanas can't make good pets, but they need … While it is important to know the correct foods to feed your iguana, it is just as important to know what things NOT to feed, and WHY. She could be too cold to be hungry enough to eat. They are omnivorous but eat mostly plants. There are a number of plants that Iguanas and Key Deer will usually not bother with, or at least will not eat to the ground. If your iguana is usually a healthy eater, and suddenly starts picking at or ignoring his food, this could be a sign that something is wrong. Do not leave food scraps such as fresh fruits and vegetable out in the garden or open compost bins, as this can be an additional food source for iguanas. There are a few instances where it is normal for an iguana to refuse food, such as when the temperature is too cold for him, when he is about to shed, or if it is breeding season. Iguanas in the wild are strict herbivores. Iguanas are strict herbivores (eat plants only) so they may be attracted to your vegetable garden if you have one.. We do not have iguanas in New York, but I understand that they can be a big problem in gardens in semi-tropical and tropical areas such as Florida and Puerto Rico. Lv 6. Males are territorial against other males, but are not territorial against females and juveniles. Daytime temperatures should range between 85-95 degrees with a basking site of 110-115 degrees. Before getting an iguana, you should know that it is not such a common pet. Commercial food can be a great choice if you’re looking to spare some time and money, but as we said – it’s not ideal, so try to stay away from it. Get rid of areas where iguanas can hide such as brushy, low growth plants and shrubs and piles of branches or stone. Cuban rock iguana. keep providing him food and eventually he'll eat. Try growing more of these and if you must grow plants they love to eat, protect them with chicken wire cages. What do iguanas eat? They primarily will consume plant matter, including fruits and vegetables. Iguana Feeding. Although green iguanas in captivity will eat meat if presented with it, ... A captive green iguana's diet should consist of fresh leafy vegetables, such as mustard greens, collard greens, dandelion, arugula, or kale, and access to fresh water. They also can be difficult to tame and might become aggressive if not regularly handled. The following lists some of the most common 'no-nos' in iguana diets. While Iguanas do not seem very tasty, although they have some predators or natural enemies. Other vegetables that should be basic for iguanas are dandelion greens, collard greens, water cress and escarole. Iguanas have extremely good eyesight, and can even see ultraviolet wavelengths. Dog and cat food contain too much Vitamin D and fat, and should not be fed. They should not have romaine or leaf lettuce, either red or green.