Elephants are herbivores and prefer habitats that give them access to food and water. Plant species also attract different types of insects, birds, and animals, which creates a diverse ecosystem and ensures continuity of … Distribution: The African bush elephant can be found in habitats such as dry savannahs, deserts, lake shores and even in mountain areas above the snow line. Elephants are the largest land mammals on Earth. This elephant is the heaviest and the largest terrestrial animal. Elephants help different species of plants to grow from one place to another and they aid in seed dispersal. As the largest online marketplace for African safaris, we have grave concerns for the future of Africa’s elephant population. African elephants can be found scattered across sub-Saharan Africa. African Elephants. African savanna elephants also inhabit sub-Saharan Africa, but African forest elephants live in the dense rain forests of west and central Africa. In African elephants both males and females grow tusks, however, those of the males are larger (“African elephants”, n.d.). African elephants range throughout the savannas of sub-Saharan Africa and the rainforests of central and West Africa. African Elephant or African Bush Elephant [Loxodonta africana] Introduction The Elephant is the world's largest land mammal , and weighs up to 7 tonnes and reaches heights of 3.3 m at the shoulder. To see one in the wild is often a primary reason for people to do an African safari. This practice ensures that Kenyan forests have many plant species. Both male and females African elephants are vulnerable to poaching. Larger African bush elephant species cannot spread into these areas, as their large size makes it difficult to travel through dense forest. Many of the Asian elephants live in tropical regions. Threats. "Big surprise": The two African elephant types seem to be as genetically different from each other as Asian elephants are from mammoths. Both of these are facing the danger of extinction as the ivory hunters are posing serious threat to the very existence of the largest mammals on earth. What you see here is also summertime. What types of Elephants are there? They are in a vulnerable position for endangerment because they are poached for the ivory in their tusks (Blanc, 2008). Asian elephants are found in China, India, Sri Lanka and a large part of southeast Asia. The bush elephants are found throughout central, eastern, and southern Africa. There are two major types of elephants in the world, namely, African and Asian. Today we only have two of them left – the Asian and the Africa species. The forest elephants are found in the denser forests of the Congo basin and West Africa. The unique desert elephant is one type of bush elephant. Since they’re so close to the equator, the time of their summer is similar to North America.