3. This feature is only available for subscribers. Evaluation. Search this site. 2. Mirram The Kangaroo and Warreen The Wombat. Introduction. How the Kangaroo got its pouch. Many years ago, Mirram the kangaroo and Warreen the wombat were both men. Exhibition Coordinator: Carolyn White Animation by: Mick Ashley - RedPixels Animation Tiddalick the frog. Mirram the Kangaroo and Warreen the Wombat were good friends. Save to playlist. Please contact your EnhanceTV administrator or email help@enhancetv.com.au. 1. Mirram The Kangaroo and Warreen The Wombat – Dreamtime Stories. Dreamtime Story Animation “Mirram The Kangaroo and Warreen The Wombat” for the Marambul Yuganha Exhibition at the Griffith campus of TAFE NSW Riverina Institute 2011. Report this video. Many years ago, Mirram the kangaroo and Warreen the wombat were both men. They were very friendly, and hunted and lived together in the same camping-ground. Girawu The Goanna. Wayambeh The Turtle. They lived together in a hut that Warreen had built from tree bark. Conclusion Visit. Biladurang The Platypus. They were very friendly, and hunted and lived together in the same camping-ground. Dreamtime Stories. Exhibition Coordinator: Carolyn White Dreamtime Stories - Mirram The Kangaroo and Warreen The Wombat. 5. Process. Warreen had a very comfortable gunyah made of bark and soft leaves, but Mirram who was a careless fellow-did not trouble to build a home. Dreamtime Stories - Mirram The Kangaroo and Warreen The Wombat. Task. "Come, Warreen, sleep outside with me" said Mirram. Dreamtime Stories - Mirram The Kangaroo and Warreen The Wombat. Warreen had a very comfortable gunyah made of bark and soft leaves, but Mirram who was a careless fellow-did not trouble to build a home. They liked being with each other, but Mirram liked to sleep outside at night and he made fun of Warreen who always wanted to sleep inside. Dreamtime Story Animation "Mirram The Kangaroo and Warreen The Wombat" for the Marambul Yuganha Exhibition at the Griffith campus of TAFE NSW Riverina. The children responded to the story Mirram the Kangaroo and Warreen the Wombat in a variety of ways. reamtime Story Animation "Mirram The Kangaroo and Warreen The Wombat" for the Marambul Yuganha Exhibition at the Griffith campus of TAFE NSW Riverina Institute 2011. The Rainbow Serpent. Why koala has a stumpy tail. 4. Here is some work from the talented artists in 210. Know the content and how to teach it Megan confidently delivered the Yr 8 History unit of work .