In time-honoured portmanteau tradition, an encore suggests that all these stories have merely provided clues to a greater horror. Reader's Digest Editors . Next thing I know it drops on my head. Here’s what they sent. One evening I was watching TV while sitting on the sofa. Ghost Stories is a British Horror Movie written and directed by Andy Nyman and Jeremy Dyson.The film follows a paranormal investigator as he attempts to debunk three chilling ghost stories.. Robert Benner Sr./Flickr "I'm sure there was a ghost playing tricks on me. Ghost Stories Ending Explained by Deffinition. The 15 creepiest stories from r/nosleep, Reddit’s freakshow campfire We asked r/nosleep’s moderators to select their favorite stories. I had a rubber band in my hand and flicked it across the room in an arc behind the TV. Some ghosts have a sense of humor. Theatre Director Andy Nyman (the co-creator of master Illusionist Derren Brown’s stage-shows) and The League of Gentlemen’s Jeremy Dyson scored a theatre-stage-version West End hit with Ghost Stories in 2010. . These Chilling Real Ghost Stories Will Make You Believe. It seems like you could completely lean into the ghost story elements or you could do what you did, which is a little more in between. By this point, you may be wondering whether Eli is a typical ghost movie or something more unique. From Plus, Eli saves some of its most imaginative horror images for the movie's final act. It is a complex story in which a lot of things happen, and at times things get a bit confusing.