The minotaur lived in the heart of a maze on the island of Crete. King Minos only attacked Athens when he was bored. answer choices . There are many versions of the story however the underlying theme of the myth is the same in every version. Theseus, a Greek hero and the Minotaur, one of the most devastating and terrifying monsters face off in a myth that involves gods and monsters, heroes and kings and two of the main city–states in the ancient Greek world: Athens and Crete. writers of ancient Greek myths. The truth is, this horrible Minotaur was not at all a pleasant pet to keep, for there was always the possibility that he might get out of the labyrinth and do never-ending damage. King Minos took the deal. He really didn't want anything. Q. Theseus felt all over the floor in the pitch darkness and kept thinking he had found it, only to realise that he all he had was a long wiry hair from the Minotaur. One day, Androgeus went to the city of Athens to play in a game called the Panathenaic Games. King Minos loved that old monster. The Minotaur was dead. This way, his beloved monster could look forward to a special treat every 9 years or so. One day, Theseus discovers gold sandals and a gold sword under a rock, and his mother tells him that this is a sign that it is time for him to meet his father. All he had to do was make his way out of...and then he realised the awful truth. SURVEY . The Minotaur was a scary pet, so King Minos hid him in a maze called a labyrinth. Theseus, a genuine Greek hero of the Mythology and Minotaur, one of the most devastating and terrifying monsters are the main protagonists of a myth that involves gods and monsters, heroes and kings and two of the main city–states in the Hellenic world: Athens and Crete. Therefore, King Minos would really have been very glad to get rid of the Minotaur. The Hero and the Minotaur is a story about Theseus, a great hero and son of King Aegeus. 30 seconds . modern newspaper reporters. In the struggle, he had let go of the string, his lifeline. ancient Greek historians. members of the Greek and Minoan royal families. Although the topic of both passages is the story of Theseus and the Minotaur, "The Cretan and Athenian News" is written from the perspective of? King Minos had a son named Androgeus. Tags: Question 20 . This is a trifold that can be done independently or in small groups for the story The Hero and the Minotaur from the 6th grade Wonders series.There are questions that focus on the skill of the week as well as other concentrations.Included are two versions - one with page numbers and one without.Note Nevertheless, he was so hard-hearted that he would not permit Theseus to go armed to meet the monster; hence there was very little hope …