Many have experienced seeing a butterfly either in the house or wake of a close relative or friend who had just died. In the Old World, the butterfly was associated with the dead. It represents death: in the form of the end of a major life cycle, but also a positive change. Yellow butterflies represent new life in many cultures. Yellow Butterfly Meaning. One of them is with creatures that can easily travel between the spiritual and physical worlds. The butterfly is a symbol that is valued in the Native American culture. Meaning of Yellow butterfly in DEATH Yellow butterflies represent new life in many cultures, since they themselves undergo stages of metamorphosis and transformation for survival and sustenance. Also, it is an indicator of a child’s departed soul who is resting in peace after death. In Scotland and Ireland, a yellow butterfly near the departed means the soul is at peace. In early Christianity, it was a symbol of the soul. Yellow: A symbol of hope, guidance, as well as a bright and sunny summer, a flying yellow butterfly is likely to bring happiness and affluence. Orange Butterfly. The butterfly can be a negative symbol in other cultures. Orange Butterflies are symbols of encouragement, excitement, and passion. Yellow Butterfly meaning can also represent new life on its way, this may mean something fun and creative is aligning in your life, or more literally that someone new will soon be entering your experience. A yellow and black butterfly is symbolic of change. A yellow butterfly flying around you brings happiness and prosperity. It reminds us to have fun. Seeing one also means that something fun and exciting is on its way. And the … Encountering a black butterfly signifies the end of a relationship, idea, or job. According to ancient cultures in the past eras, when a sailor encountered a yellow butterfly, it meant he would die on his voyage. Of course, butterflies rarely appear in one solid color and so we must consider the meaning behind a black and white butterfly or a yellow and black butterfly. Black: Although rarely seen, it may predict thunderstorms and lighting. The spiritual world communicates with you in many ways. According to ancient cultures in the past eras, when a sailor encountered a yellow butterfly, it meant he would die on his voyage. People feel a range of emotions, from shock and fear to comfort and reassurance, when this happens. Yellow Butterfly Meaning – When you encounter a yellow or golden butterfly, it might be a sign.