For instance, insects, birds, fish, and reptiles are all animals but not mammals. On this page we'll explain how birds & other animals are classified, and what makes a bird a bird. On this page we'll explain how birds & other animals are classified, and what makes a bird a bird. Birds do not give birth do live young nor do they feed their young through mammary glands. IMO, the question now makes much more sense with the prefix endo. On this page, we’re going to find out why! Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Birds are neither mammals (they don't have mammary glands) nor reptiles (they are not cold blooded), but instead belong in a grouping all their own. This can all be a little confusing. Their swimming style resembles flying more than that of other fishes. Start studying Reptiles, Birds, and mammals- Biology. No. It still bothers me a little that the woodpecker examples is not resolved. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. You sometimes hear people saying that birds are related to dinosaurs, but that's really not true - birds aren't related to dinosaurs... they are dinosaurs! In other words if we're adhering to groups based on evolutionary history, anything closer to mammals isn't a reptile. And no matter what classification scheme one adheres to, humans fall into the mammalian category. My point was to highlight that whether or not there are mammals parasite depends upon the definition once want to use. It has feathers and does not … Start studying birds and mammals test. The bird group is one of six basic animal groups, with the others being amphibians, fish, invertebrates, mammals and reptiles. Both Sauropsida and this definition of Reptilia include all amniotes except those more closely related to mammals. are birds considered animals ????? Is a bird an animal - are birds animals: yes, they are. No obvious inferences or connections jump out, which is fine. No, birds are not mammals. Is a bird an animal - are birds animals: yes, they are. That means mammal-like reptiles are excluded and birds are included. On this page we'll explain how birds & other animals are classified, and what makes a bird a bird. I initiall said cow because I love Cheesburgers,Steak,Butter,Cheese,Milk etc .. my wife said it is hard,between Chickens and Cows . No, a bird is not a mammal because it lays eggs, it metabolizes nutrients differently, they have a different digestive tract, and they have lighter bones. Are Birds Mammals or Reptiles? Birds are also dinosaurs because they descended from a dinosaur. A bird is a member of Aves , … On this page, we’re going to find out why!