The female wasp will paralyze the spider by stinging it. A guide by Chris Roh . Spitting spiders will typically wander within a territory 30-35 m in size. SAVE CANCEL. Tarantulas also use silk trap lines near their burrows to alert themselves to potential prey, or to the approach of predators. Home; ... How do Lemurs defend themselves and what do they do? While these arachnids generally keep to themselves in the wild, they won't hesitate to fight off attackers and hunt food using one of their natural defenses. already exists. These stealthy hunters sneak up on their prey in the dark of night. Although they can see, these spiders do not rely on vision for mate or prey recognition due to their poor eyesight. Name two reasons a llama might choose to spit. That could be why some types of Spiders are able to so well in the wild and others struggle. Spiders are unusual in using the body fluid pressure or hydrostatic pressurefrom their blood (or hemolymph) to move. 5. We’re going to look at which predators kill snakes and the various ways that snakes protect themselves against predation. Yes, that is a spider in the above image. 4. Smaller tarantulas eat insects, while some of the larger species hunt frogs, mice, and even birds. Male spiders are generally much smaller than females in their species, making them easy prey. MERGE CANCEL. How does a Blackbird protect itself from danger? After taking care of any other male contenders, the spider's next task is to deal with the female spider itself. According to the San Diego Zoo, when camels spit, it is meant to startle and distract potential predators. Can’t say about all the Arachnids out there, but I can surely talk about Spiders. How do spiders protect themseleves? Interestingly enough, there are hundreds of spider species – most of them jumping spiders – that closely resemble ants. c. spitting cobras d. llamas 3. When threatened, the spider will rub these hairs with their legs and shoot them at their predator. How does a spitting cobra use its spit to protect itself? They spit: Spiders of the genus Scytodes catch prey by ejecting a glue from their chelicerae (spider mouthparts that end in fangs and inject venom into prey).Once it hits, the gooey substance shrinks, trapping the prey in place. A spitting cobra spits poisonous venom in the eyes of its predators so it has time to escape. ("Spitting Spider", 2004) Communication and Perception. Females encase their eggs in silken cocoons. She then wraps them in more silk to make the egg sac. Some of the smaller ones definitely know how to hold their own successfully. science math history literature technology health law business All Sections. Go. Almost all female spiders protect their eggs by making a silk ‘bed’ and then covering them with a silk ’blanket’. Their worst enemy is the Spider-Wasp. Spiders use hydrostatic pressure to extend their legs, but muscles to flex the legs. Most jumping spiders can jump several times the length of their bodies. Spiders will lay between 2 and 1000 eggs, depending on the species. Wiki User October 28, 2012 11:40PM. When a jumping spider is moving from place to place, and especially just before it jumps, it tethers a filament of silk (or 'dragline') to whatever it is standing on to protect itself if the jump should fail. All spiders will attempt to protect themselves by biting, especially if they are unable to flee.