See photos of sea stars (starfish) and sea urchins, from National Geographic. Sea otters are part of the weasel family. 20 February 2013 Sea urchins are everywhere on the sheltered side of San Ambrosio Island. This Live Science introduction to turtles includes details about their habitats, taxonomy, diet, offspring and other interesting facts. MrOwl Community Sea urchins are echinoderms, related to sea cucumbers. In some cultures around the world, people eat jellyfish, too. The tusk can grow to 9 feet (3 meters) long and weigh more than 22 pounds (10 kilograms). Sea Urchin Facts: Animals of the Oceans. National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Enric Sala is setting off on his first big expedition of the year: to explore and record the underwater life around the remote Desventuradas Islands, hundreds of miles off the coast of Chile. Many types of sea urchins can live 30 years. The young tourist reportedly died while on vacation in Coron, after allegedly stepping on a poisonous stonefish.However, a statement from the victim’s boyfriend, Travis Millard, said that Ruiz had actually stepped on a sea urchin. The largest sea turtle species is the leatherback turtle. (272 to 680 kilograms) and is about 4.5 to 5.25 feet (139 to 160 centimeters) long, according to the World Wildlife Federation (WWF)." Most sea stars sport spiny skin and five arms, although some can grow as many as 50 arms. They are identifiable by their spiny, globular bodies. Scientists estimate that if there are a million producers (algae, phytoplankton, and sea grass) in a food web, there may only be 10,000 herbivores. Got it? It may look like a prickly pom-pom, but a sea urchin is really an animal. Sea urchins have globe-like shape of the body that is … They usually have 1.2 to 3.9 inches in diameter. Each urchin was placed in an otherwise empty, well-lighted tank and presented with two disk sizes, first a disk 2.3 inches (6 centimeters) wide and then one 3.9 inches (10 centimeters) wide. The “seven seas” has been used to describe the world’s great water bodies for a long time. Starfish facts for kids: learn all about starfish (or sea stars), with facts about starfish behaviour, habitat, range, diet and defence mechanisms. Sea urchins mate in the spring. Sea Urchin. Sea Urchin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sea Urchin. WATCH: CARRIER CRAB USES SPINY URCHIN AS SHIELD Watch a carrier crab live up to its name by carrying a sea urchin on its back for protection.. Sea urchins come in many colors. (Females occasionally do.) It weighs 600 to 1,500 lbs. The jellyfish itself provides a tasty meal for other ocean creatures, particularly sea turtles, who like to guzzle them up regularly. They have webbed feet, water-repellent fur to keep them dry and warm, and nostrils and ears that close in the water. Sea otters are part of the weasel family. This species of whale is best known for its tusk—a long, spiraled tooth that usually only the males develop. They usually have 1.2 to 3.9 inches in diameter. Sea otters often float at the water's surface in forests of kelp, or giant seaweed, and entangle themselves to keep from moving in the rolling sea. Sea Urchin Body Is One Big Eye. Fun Facts. ea urchins or urchins, archaically called sea hedgehogs, are small, spiny, globular animals that, with their close kin, such as sand dollars, constitute the class Echinoidea of the echinoderm phylum. The sea urchin is found across the ocean floors worldwide, but rarely in the colder, polar regions.Sea urchins are commonly found along the rocky ocean floor in both shallow and deeper water and sea urchins are also commonly found inhabiting coral reefs.. The mouth of the sea urchin contains five teeth that are so sharp they can actually make a hole in a rock. News about Miggy Ruiz’s passing has been making the rounds lately. It’s not a waterlogged herd of unicorns—it’s a pod of narwhals! Long, white tusks break the surface of the icy Arctic water. Jellyfish stings can be painful to humans and, from certain species, they can even be deadly. Sea urchins have globe-like shape of … The sea otter spends most of its time in the water but, in some locations, comes ashore to sleep or rest. You probably know sea stars as starfish, the name sea stars are commonly known by. But there are actually about 50 water formations that can be called a “sea,” and they are quite diverse when it comes to their size, location, and ecosystems. Archaically called sea hedgehogs, sea urchins are tiny spiny animals that are broadly characterized as echinoderms.