Elephants and various large whales (such as the Blue Whale, the Orca, the Bowhead Whale, the Humpback Whale, and the Fin Whale) have lifespans that are approximately as long as ours. Humpback whales appear in mixed groups with other species, such as the blue, fin, minke, gray and sperm whales. 1 (MARCH ARCTIC 1987) P. 16-32 The Bowhead vs. the Gray Whale in Chukotkan Aboriginal Whaling IGOR I. KRUPNIK’ (Received 5 September 1984; accepted in revised form 22 July 1986) ABSTRACT. It is available for adoption in Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania. Sei whale. The Bowhead Whale is a large marine mammal, and one of 7 baleen whales. General Information. The list below shows the top ten heaviest whale species in the world from heaviest to lightest based on approximate largest confirmed weights in pounds: Blue whale – 410,000 lbs. Other articles where Bowhead right whale is discussed: right whale: …right whale refers to the bowhead, or Greenland right whale (Balaena mysticetus), and to the whales of the genus Eubalaena (though originally only to E. glacialis). Whale songs are not genetically hard-wired like mating calls. Because the juvenile bowhead is up to three times heavier than the orcas, the predators work as a team to take it down. 40, NO. A whale song is a long, patterned sequence of sounds. Whales are at the top of the food chain and have an important role in the overall health of the marine environment. Balaenoptera acutorostrata [Common Minke Whale] × Balaenoptera bonaerensis (♀) [Antarctic Minke Whale] NHR. No. Menu. The bowhead has a dark body with a conspicuous white spot on its chin as well as a … That distinction goes to the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), the largest animal on Earth. Find high-quality Bowhead Whale stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. The bowhead whale, or Balaena mysticetus, is a species of whale that is mostly found in the Arctic and has faced a large decrease in numbers due to whaling and overexploitation throughout the years. Bowhead whales are one of the top species of whale … The pod leader rams the whale's side, crushing its ribs. August 2, 2017 - For the first time, scientists filmed a pod of orcas in a coordinated attack against a bowhead whale. Meetings. Minke whale. Bowhead whales have been completely protected from commercial whaling since 1946; Eskimos have hunted "the whale" for centuries. Humpback whale songs have even appeared in the album charts. Because the juvenile bowhead is up to three times heavier than the orcas, the predators work as a team to take it down. Unlike most other whale species that migrate to more temperate waters for a few seasons, the bowhead whale lives almost entirely in fertile Arctic and sub-Arctic waters. North Atlantic right whale – 230,000 lbs. Irrawaddy dolphin. The bowhead has a black body, a white chin and throat, and, sometimes, a white belly. The bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) is so-called because of its bow-shaped mouth and is black in colour with a whitish chin patch, broken by a'necklace' of black spots. It can grow to a length of about… Pilot whale. Bowhead Whale; Humpback Whale; Killer Whale; N. Atlantic Right Whale; N. Pacific Right Whale; Sperm Whale; Vaquita Porpoise; Conservation Efforts. Beluga Whale Videos. Blue whales, fin whales, bowhead whales, minke whales, sperm whales, and humpback whales all sing. The sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), on the other hand, may not be the biggest whale, but it has the biggest brain to have ever existed on Earth. The Beluga Whale Delphinapterus leucas. This page is currently under construction. Beluga Whale Conservation Length: 0:59 min. Bowhead whale – 220,000 lbs. Spotted dolphin. Commission. Download premium images you can't get anywhere else. To stay warm, the bowhead has 17-19in (43-50cm) of blubber—the thickest blubber layer of any whale. They can weigh between 175,000-200,000 lbs. Striped dolphin . Humpback whale. Key Documents. In accordance with International Whaling Commission (IWC) rules, Eskimos are legally allowed to hunt an allocated number of bowhead whales …