Bulldogs don’t listen sometimes and it takes more work to train them than your average Golden Retriever. Although many Pit Bulls are loving, friendly dogs, some are quite temperamental. The 10 Most Stubborn Dog Breeds. There are some stubborn dog breeds who might just test the limits of your patience while you're trying to train them. Jack Russell Terriers are one of the most difficult dog breeds to own due to the fact that they are extremely energetic and require more exercise than a regular dog owner can provide. Most people would agree that a Siberian Husky is a gorgeous dog. Though ranging from a small to medium sized dog, the Pekingese has always been a great breed to have as a watch dog. Why is a Shiba Inu difficult to train? Most toy breeds are known to be stubborn and difficult to train, but the Papillon is different. Most people looking for a dog want a breed that’s easy to live with. They are intelligent and eager to please. Easiest dog breeds to train tops many desired “wants” when looking to bring a new dog/rescue dog into a person’s life. American Pit Bull Terrier. Of course a Shiba is stubborn and strong-willed, but then so are many other breeds, including the Siberian Husky. Easiest and hardest dogs to train How trainable is your dog? Not only are Cardigan Welsh Corgis easy to train, they are also ideal therapy dogs. ... Not for the weak willed, the Dogo Argentino (or Argentinean Mastiff) is an independent breed that needs a firm training hand and lots of exercise to keep him from finding his own amusement. Some dogs sit the first time you tell them to and other dogs just don’t understand the concept of listening. Dogtime, describes them as thinking before doing or deciding not to do it at all. Because they’re a very active breed, they need dedicated training. Training a Pekingese can be like training a very stubborn child. In order to successfully train this breed of dog, you have to be firm and you have to be consistent. Every dog is different with their own personality. This dog breed can be aggressive and is considered by some to be vicious. But you'll need to do your part to train him properly. Today we give you the list of 10 Easiest Dogs To Train And Take Care Of, to help you decide which dog to get.Dogs bring joy and happiness in life. While all dogs can be trained, there are some that are easier than others. Jack Russells are watchdogs, and like most terriers have a wild nature that … Usually, when we ask if a dog is smart, we really want to know how trainable he is. You could pair this dog with another of the same breed, but you take a chance on it not working out. 11. by Renee Moen. Below is a concise list of the top ten easiest dog breeds to train. The versatile Lab can be a companion, show dog, hunting dog, canine athlete, guide dog, service dog, sniffer dog, search and rescue dog, and therapy dog, among other things.So as far as training goes, if you can teach it, the Lab can probably learn it. The versatile Lab can be a companion, show dog, hunting dog, canine athlete, guide dog, service dog, sniffer dog, search and rescue dog, and therapy dog, among other things.So as far as training goes, if you can teach it, the Lab can probably learn it. Hardest Dog Breeds to Train. #7 – Chinese Shar Pei. Facebook Pin Email Print. Although this may seem like a disadvantage for some, it is quite a good thing for many dog owners who don't have enough time to dedicate to mentally stimulating their dogs.