- and finally this might be a question for Jack- How are those bighorn hybrids coming? How far do mule deer migrate? This is by far the most difficult time to harvest a mature mule deer. They are divided into four sub-species. It violates everything known to science regarding the mule deer/ black-tail deer subspecies as well as key principles of … Six subspecies of mule deer inhabit roughly 88,000 square miles or just over half of California's lands. With each bound, a mule deer may jump as high as two feet and as far as 15 feet. In 1890, he established the Blue Mountain Game Reserve in southern New Hampshire. The sika deer (Cervus nippon) also known as the spotted deer or the Japanese deer, is a species of deer native to much of East Asia, and introduced to various other parts of the world. If you’re going to be successful at mule deer hunting, you obviously need to go where there are mule deer. From southwest deserts to coastal forests, mule deer hunting presents a variety of challenges. If I'm not mistaken mule deer are a hybrid(not sure that is correct term) of the blacktail and whitetail. There are 2 major subspecies: the Mule Deer, with tail white above, tipped with black; and the Black-tailed Deer, with tail black or brown above. hemionus), is located as far north as Alberta Canada and as far west as Nebraska. Any truth to that? I have leases west and northwest of Woodward. Previously found from northern Vietnam in the south to the Russian Far East in the north, it is now uncommon in these areas, excluding Japan, where the species is overabundant. I swear I saw Iowa listed as a State holding mule deer in Robbie Dennings' book. The 36,000-acre property would be home not only to a growing herd of buffalo bought from private farms, but also to a wide variety of other game and non-game wildlife, including mule deer, elk, moose, pronghorn antelope and even caribou. Start searching online for the best places to hunt trophy mule deer, which often includes states like Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Arizona. The internet also stated that the ruts of whitetail and mule deer peak at different times, and that the mating rituals differ. Weighing in at close to 300 pounds and reaching antler measurements of over 200 inches, mule deer are icons of the American west. I know "the panhandle" but how far east and southeast are they? The Cervidae Family includes deer and their allies, including moose, elk, and caribou. This would be as far east as we are but obviously much further north. They are some of the most versatile animals in Grand Canyon National Park, and are found in all habitats in the park- ranging from the forests of the Rims to desert scrub on the Tonto Plateau to the riparian habitat along the Colorado River.