It has gotten 5015 views and also has 4.6 rating. Many are downloadable. All these form the basic components of our ecosystem. Let us take a quick look. Natural Vegetation and Wildlife - PowerPoint Presentation, Science, Class 9 Class 9 Notes | EduRev notes for Class 9 is made by best teachers who have written some of the best books of Class 9. Mega biodiversity The concept of mega biodiversity was introduced by World Bank. A national park is a natural area protected against human development and pollution having the aim of protecting and conserving specific ecosystems for the present and future generations. Share yours for free! Presentation Summary : The lack of vegetation limits wildlife. Clndia has CThese cover ver •ndisp hibifi in sanctuaries. Virgin Vegetation It refers to a plant community which has grown with the help of natural factors, without human aid, and has been undisturbed by man for a long time. We need natural vegetation because it helps us humans, and animals. Natural vegetation and wildlife. India’s rich biodiversity: India’s rich biodiversity I ndia has nearly 8 per cent of the total number of species in the world (estimated to be 1.6 million). Learn new and interesting things. NATURAL VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATIO-2 - authorSTREAM Presentation. Boreal And Taiga Forest. The Lack Of Vegetation Limits Wildlife. A sanctuary is a protected are of land, wetland or sea reserved for the conservation of wild animals, biyds and plants. 1. •ghts ove anctuaries and limited QPrivate Dwners ma be interfere-with e noc breeding of millijä4. Natural vegetation refers to the plant life (flora) that grows in a region according to the climatic conditions and other such factors prevailing in that region. Get ideas for your own presentations. Natural Vegetation. Boreal And Taiga Forest To PPT. To the south of the tundra is the Boreal and Taiga Forest. India is one of the 12 mega diversity countries in the world. Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources We depend on natural vegetation and natural resources such as Land, Soil as well as Wildlife Resources for our survival. View For Natural Vegetation And Wildlife PPTs online, safely and virus-free! Natural vegetation refers to the garment of plants and trees that exists in the area before it is modified by Man for activities such as farming, mining, lumbering and industrial, economic and urban development. Creation of national parks and biosphere reserves is another measure to protect our natural vegetation and wildlife. It is the largest vegetation region In general, there are about five broad varieties of natural vegetation in the world.