Ron ... Buying A Chinchilla. Welcome to the Eltham Pets at Home store where you can find out about our upcoming workshops and in-store services. Typically chinchillas can live for 10-20 years. Where to Buy a Chinchilla . Last edited by Marios Alexandrou. The physical actions don't serve a purpose because your pet already has a sensitive body. Are you thinking about becoming a new pet parent and adding a small, furry friend to the family? Find chinchillas for sale at your local PetSmart store! Home. So if you’re the type of person who can’t keep an eye on their pet regularly, a chinchilla may be the right pick for you. As such, if you don’t have an air conditioner, you should consider getting one before taking your pet home. Unfortunately, pet stores are in business to make a profit - not to provide you with a friendly, healthy pet. Great cage ideas and housing furniture. Chinchilla. Most owners purchase chinchillas through pet stores or breeders, but regardless of where you buy your chinchilla, make sure you ask questions, said Adam Denish, VMD, owner of Rhawnhurst Animal Hospital in Philadelphia. Price may vary by location. They are allowed out to run around for at least two hours every night but getting them back in their cage is a bit of a nightmare. By Kris Selnar. I let her out as much as I can as I do go to school and work, but when I get home she's already at the cage door making noises telling me to let her out. This means they are not an ideal pet for a young child, rather an older child or adult should take responsibility for looking after them. Pets At Home offers the ultimate pet shop experience. Luckily for chin lovers, they are now raised commercially and sold as house pets. Chinchilla belongs to the rodent family, and is a popular indoor pet. Female Chinchillas keep their soft fur clean by taking a dust bath 2-3 times per week. Just like every other animal, there are both pros and cons to owning a chinchilla pet. What foods they eat and many tips on how to care for them. Find chinchillas available for rehoming on our find a pet page. As owners will happily tell you, chinchillas are friendly, inquisitive and easy to look after, yet they can be a little bit shy. Chinchilla Bedding. Pets at Home stocks great food at the right price, ensuring your furry friend stays fit … They are quite shy and are more appropriate as pets for adults and older children. With this understanding at the forefront of our experts' minds, Pets at Home stocks a great selection of chinchilla cages, bedding and food. I'd like to try and tame them. Home (All Topics) → Pets & Animals ↓ A Guide for Chinchilla Pet Owners. When you want to discipline your chinchilla, you have to be mindful of how you do it. Since they do not sweat, you will need to keep them in a temperature-controlled environment throughout. Please note that they are not responsive when you verbally berate, hit, or smack them in anger. What people like most about the chinchilla is its soft and thick coats. This section is dedicated to all things chinchilla (formerly this content lived on a separate site called Chinchilla Planet). Chinchilla Facts. Since they do not sweat, you will need to keep them in a temperature-controlled environment throughout. Temperature requirements:This is the one thing that makes most people think twice about owning chinchillas. Each one offers an easy to clean, chew-proof environment, making sure your chinchilla will have a home that's secure - and also fun to boot! Pros of Owning a Chinchilla. Cleanliness. One last quirk is that chinchillas like to explore everything with their mouths. Our range of bedding for chinchillas includes wood shavings and … Many chinchilla cages have a wire floor, which is nice for cleanliness, but the wire can be hard on chinchilla feet so it's best avoided. Another likable quality of these small-sized pets is their sweet and friendly nature. Articles . Just like their owners, chinchillas need plenty of rest in comfort to wake up feeling refreshed and healthy - and Pets at Home strives to offer the best means for them to bed down every night.