Additional records are listed on the county and state pages. The Pennsylvania Game Commission estimates there are more than 4,600 bobcats in Pennsylvania, up from an estimated 500 in 1982, and plenty to support an annual harvest of more than a thousand. Is it rare to see a bobcat in pa? I live right across from Tyler park and have seen a coyote and a fisher roaming (along with a million deer, coons, opossums etc) the residential neighborhood. Boyertown Genealogy (in Berks County, PA) USA (1,012,695) > Pennsylvania (60,629) > Berks County (2,792) > Boyertown (43). Note: This page primarily lists records kept at the city level. Is it rare to see a bobcat in pa? Students attend one of five elementary schools, one of two middle schools, and Wilson High School. All donations are directly applied to our daily operations. Occasionally bobcats take sick, weak or crippled deer, but predation by bobcats has little or no effect on the size of Pennsylvania’s deer herd. Bobcats, and other predators, were considered vermin in the 1700s and 1800s. Except for areas around the Great Lakes, the central valley in California, parts of Kansas and places on the East Coast, bobcats live in Pennsylvania. Cheryl H 10,075 views. The bobcat, also known as the bay Iynx, wildcat, red lynx and swamp tiger, is the state’s only feline predator. Specifically near elk mountain? Prosecutors say Krista Stump sexually assaulted a 15 … After feeding on a deer, a bobcat may cover the rest of the carcass with leaves. ... Pennsylvania Bobcat - Duration: 2:04. The bobcat is loosely related to the Canada lynx, which is not found in Pennsylvania. Re: Bobcats in pa Haven't seen one, but there was a confirmed mountain lion in lower Bucks in about '06/'07 so it wouldn't surprise me to see/hear of a bobcat. It is named for prestigious Revolutionary War major and the first governor of Pennsylvania, Thomas Mifflin. Define a date to show hunting hours for small and big game: Get Hunting Hours Reset to Today Clear Important Note: The tool above depicts legal hunting hours for small and big game only.Hunting hours differ for raccoon, fox, coyote, bobcat, striped skunk, oppossum, weasel, spring gobbler, and migratory game birds (including waterfowl, doves, woodcock, snipe, rails, and gallinules. Its scientific name is Lynx rufus. HAMBURG, Pa. (CBS) — A Berks County school worker is facing sexual assault charges involving a teenage student. PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING! The rescue was founded in 2017 by PauIina Putnam and AIison Shanahan, who had each worked in rescue for a number of years and recognized a need for a rescue that served animaIs who couIdn't be adopted right away. As early as 1819 a $1 bounty was established to promote the harvest of bobcats … It is located in Shillington, Berks County, Pennsylvania and serves students in the Reading area. Our rescue efforts are made possible by … Wilson School District in West Lawn, Berks County, PA, serves over 5,900 students and 550 faculty members. But more and more people in Pennsylvania, from the Alleghenies to the Poconos to rolling farmlands in York County, claim they are seeing the big cats here, even though the state's "last" native lion, also known as a cougar or puma, was shot and killed in Berks County in 1871 and the feds have declared the Eastern subspecies extinct. None of these sightings has been authenticated, and many of them, including a recent, alleged mountain lion picked up on a surveillance camera in Lackawanna County, turned out to be bobcats. Join us for a viewing of SILO, the first ever feature film about a grain entrapment at 7pm on March 13th at Oley Valley High School. Please let me know what kind of cat this is. Bobcats also feed on whitetails which have starved during winter or died of other causes.