It can sprint as fast as 60 mph and can sustain a speed of 30 mph for miles. This is a list of North American mammals. The fastest mammal in North America is the pronghorn, and second in speed in the world only to the cheetah. But, do you know some animals can achieve an almost same speed of supercars? Here’s our list: What About Fish? The North American pronghorn, the quarter-horse, elk and mule deer are the fastest mammals in North America. What is the fastest mammal native to North America? The fastest land mammal in North America. It includes all mammals currently found in North America north of Mexico, whether resident or as migrants.There is a separate list of Mexican mammals.This article does not include species found only in captivity. Research suggests that human beings could run as fast as 40 miles an hour—in theory—but sprint speeds average to closer to 12-15 mph. Although slower than the cheetah, the Pronghorn is capable of maintaining its top speed over much longer distances due to its large heart and lungs. This bat is one of the most widespread animal species in North America, sometimes roosting in caves in huge numbers. It can reach speeds in excess of 180 miles per hour during a dive. They share some of the same physical features as the cheetah: enlarged nasal passages, lungs, and heart. But the endurance of some of the gazelles and antelopes at high speed is remarkable, and it is certain that for distances of over a mile or so either the blackbuck of India, the Mongolian gazelle, or the pronghorn antelope of the United States could outdistance any living mammal. The animals, often mistaken for deer or antelope, had been pushed by severe drought to the edge of extinction, yet now their numbers are growing. Falcons are the fastest powered flight animals, peregrine falcon can be considered the fastest animal in the world today and it is from N. America. Scientists believe the Pronghorn evolved such high speeds to outrun predators. It is built for maximum predator evasion, with speeds recorded varying from 40-57mph. They evolved to outrun a now extinct cheetah-like predator. How fast can you run? When discussing the fastest land mammals in North America, it is good to keep in mind that there are many more animals who can break records with their incredible strength in speed. It is able to sustain 55 mph over half a mile and can outrun any potential predator in North America, where it lives. What is the fastest … Both aquatic and land mammals are included in this list of mammals. Pronghorns can reach speeds up to 53 miles... See full answer below. In the U.S., the pronghorn lives in the states of Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Nebraska, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, North and South Dakota.