Lewis And Clark Plant Discoveries. L’expédition Lewis et Clark (de 1804 à 1806) ou expédition de Lewis et Clark est la première expédition américaine à traverser les États-Unis à terre jusqu'à la côte pacifique. Permission to reproduce is required. Although Lewis and Clark’s specimen label notes only that it was collected “on dry hills on the Rocky-mountains” on July 7, 1806, it was most likely found by Lewis as he was navigating the Lewis and Clark Pass in Montana. The Corps of Discovery brought back invaluable geographic and scientific data, including 178 new species of plant life and 122 previously unknown species of animal life. This map tour displays the plant species that Lewis and Clark discovered and described for scientific purposes from 1804-1806. The Lewis and Clark Expedition from May 1804 to September 1806, also known as the Corps of Discovery Expedition, was the first American expedition to cross the western portion of the United States.It began in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, made its way westward, and passed through the Continental Divide of the Americas to reach the Pacific coast. What: Joan Hockaday, The Lewis and Clark Wildflower Discoveries • April 6, 2013, Ridgefield • … The leaves are approximately 1-2.5 ft long and are very narrow. The plant's common names include elkhorn, ragged robin, pink fairy, and deerhorn. She will be sharing her knowledge of their journey and wildflower discoveries with audiences around Washington state as a member of the 2012-14 Humanities Washington Speakers’ Bureau. Corps of Discovery. During Lewis and Clark's expedition, about eighty new species of plants were found. It began with the critical hit, Lewis & Clark: The Expedition, published in 2013 to wild acclaim.They’ve followed The Expedition up with a sequel of sorts, Discoveries: The Journals of Lewis & Clark.. Discoveries may look like an expansion at first glance. The Lewis and Clark expedition resulted in the discovery or observation of more than 300 plants and animals. Lewis collected a blossoming Bitterroot specimen near Missoula River. Scientific Discoveries: Animals. Most of the animals Lewis and Clark discovered can be broken up into four general groups: mammals, fish, reptiles and birds. Mammals include ungulates the elk, the pronghorn, the mule deer, the bighorn and the bison. Thomas Jefferson, troisième président des États-Unis de 1801 à 1809, avait convaincu le Congrès d'attribuer 2 … Lewis and Clark found 178 new specimen of plants on their journey through the west. The cottonwood was the most useful plant for the Corps of Discovery. To Lewis and Clark, some gifts advertised the technological superiority and others encouraged the Indians to adopt an agrarian lifestyle. Under the leadership of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark the Corps of Discovery covered almost 8,000 miles from St. Louis, Missouri, to the mouth of the Columbia River, returning two years later. YOU CAN GO. They sent back numerous botanical specimens to be studied back home. Lewis and clark discoveries? Like salesmen handing out free samples, Lewis and Clark packed bales of manufactured goods like these to open diplomatic relations with Indian tribes. This story map displays the animal species that explorers Lewis and Clark encountered and first described for science. Below are five specimen they found on their trip. Important Findings of Lewis and Clark’s Expedition ... Lewis and Clark documented at least 180 plant species and 120 animal species, as well as miles and miles of rivers and their animal inhabitants, their currents and depth. They had cottonwood chairs, tables and ate food cooked over cottonwood fires. Cottonwood made wagons possible and portages successful. Maps Story Maps. The Bitterroot flower is a member of the Portlacaceae family. What is the Malayalam word for kalonji. Permission to reproduce is required. Learn about the people involved in the journey! In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson commissioned an exploration to trace the Missouri River to its source and find a water route to the Pacific Ocean. Ultimately, Pursh's Flora included ample acknowledgement of the personal "discoveries" of Lewis and Clark: he created two new genera, Lewisia and Clarkia, named three new species after Lewis, and included 13 illustrations of expedition plants in his publication. They collected hundreds of plant specimens and recorded information on their habitats, growth, and uses by Native Americans. Lewis and Clark. In the spring of 1807 Lewis turned over his plant specimens to the young German-American botanist, Frederick Pursh, who gave this flower the scientific name Clarkia pulchella, in honor of William Clark. At the top of the stout stalk that grows from massive bunches of basal leaves which bloom many tiny flowers. Unanswered Questions.