Where i let him out at is the back porch. Help! Possums usually come off worst in an encounter with a dog, and at most the dog may have to be treated for possum bites. Should I be worried about picking something up from him? My dog just killed a possum. Y our dog's natural curiosity and his prey drive encourage him to investigate anything that moves, including some living creatures who can harm him. I ran across this behavior as a child. I ran to the door thinking he had attacked a stray cat again. what do - Answered by a verified Dog Veterinarian Answer Save. I'm taking her to the vet shortly, but I'd like to know whatever anyone knows about these sorts of things. My concern is for both my dogs and the opossum. What do I do? First off, both my dogs are up to date on all their shots, so I'm not worried about them getting anything. When he feels the danger has passed, he wiggles his ears to listen before raising his head to check around to make sure it’s safe to move along. One day I was walking near my house and I see this giant possum. This can take a couple of minutes, up to an hour … Should I be worried? Should I be worried about picking something up from him? Solution: Nothing. I … There wasn't much blood (I did see some on his mouth though, a little... probably bit the Possum a bit...) And I stopped his attack quickly. My dog just killed a possum in the backyard. I was not aware that the possum was in the dog pen until I went out to bring my dogs in (they were out for the last time this evening -- only about five minutes or so -- and when I went out to bring them in, the shepherd would not come in and I saw that he was standing over the dead possum. I am guessing that one COULD fight a dog, they are big enough and tough enough, but their natural instinct is to play dead. He was whinning at the door i thought he had to use the restroom like he always does when i let him out i heard a scuffle on the back porch. Leave the opossum alone and enjoy watching wildlife in your own backyard. In the event that an animal bites your dog -- even if the biter is not a predator, such as an opossum -- you need to handle it quickly and appropriately to minimize the potential damage the bite can cause. Can a Vet take care of him? The tactic befuddled my dog and he promptly dropped it. Like stated, my dog, a 105 LBs Alaskan Malamute just manhandled a possum in the back yard, probably snapping it's neck. So my German Shepherd, Ella, just attacked a possum that had wandered into our yard. My husband shoveled the possum up and said he had been recently killed. You can’t prod him along no matter what you do. I went to let my dog outside to use the rest room as i do numerous times. It is a common possum, approximately the size of a regular hand, but it looks as if it is too big to be nursing. My dog just attacked a possum in our back yard, there is small of blood on possums neck but it is still alive. The best thing you can do is leave him alone. We don't want to handle it because it will then go into more shock. It is not hurt enough to be euthanized it seems. (Opossum Problems and Solutions) Problem: There is an opossum in my yard. What should we feed it to try and make it more comfertable? It is extremely rare for possums to be rabid as their body temperature is too low for the survival or replication of the rabies virus. When attacked and there’s no way to escape, a possum “plays dead” and won’t move for any reason. What If You Are Bitten By a Possum It is an altogether rare occurrence, but if you do get bitten by a possum, it is important that you know this – possums rarely have rabies.