What the alligators eat depends largely on the size and the age of the alligator, and the size of the prey, as also on the habitat that they live in. Alligators are classified under the order Crocodylia.They are giant reptiles notable by their rounded snouts and black color. How can you access to guests record to provide personalized and quality valet service. Young alligators are known to live on a diet comprising of snails, fish, worms and crustaceans. They are considered to be opportunistic feeders and like other alligators, the prey is primarily determined by the age and size of the animal. Alligators are primarily carnivores feeding on prey like fish, mollusks, other reptiles, birds and small mammals … Wiki User January 03, 2009 5:54PM. Alligators eat primarily turtles, fish, snakes and small mammals that are plentiful in the freshwater areas where they live. Adult alligators eat fish, birds, turtles, other reptiles and mammals. Their conical teeth are used for catching the prey, not tearing it apart. Alligators are carnivorous reptiles. Alligators eat fish, birds, and mammals, and really just about any animals they can catch. Alligators are primarily carnivores, but investigations of dead alligators have revealed that they also eat fruits like elderberries, citrus fruits and wild grapes, directly from trees that overhang over their habitats. What Do Alligators Eat? Alligators have about 80 teeth and when an alligator loses a tooth, it regrows. Alligators eat depending on their size and age. Related Questions. (What Do Alligators Eat) The American alligator is by far the most apex predator within its range. The alligators' food changes with age. What Do Alligators Eat ? Alligators swallow their prey whole. They are primarily carnivores, but investigations of dead alligators have shown that they do eat berries, citrus fruits, and grapes that are in their natural habitat! However, as they become mature, they graduate to eating larger preys, like gar, small mammals, water birds, turtles, deer, smaller alligators and many other reptiles. What kind of mammals do alligators eat? What Do Alligators Eat? Unanswered Questions. Alligators are powerful and opportunistic predators, and they will eat anything they can catch, including pets and humans, if the opportunity arises and the alligator is hungry. They will feed on fish, crustaceans, invertebrates, fish, turtles, … Humans are mammals that eat alligators. The young feed on insects and on freshwater shrimp. Young alligators generally will eat small fish, snails, crustaceans […] Younger alligators eat insects, shrimps, snails, small fish, tadpoles and frogs. What mammal eats an alligator?