It also has to be a stool that is fresh/hot taken from the dog with a loop tool. How do I kill Giardia in my yard and will freezing temps and snow kill it? lamblia (syn., G. duodenalis, G. intestinalis) in How to Treat Giardia in Dogs. How to Treat Giardiasis. Giardia in dogs is not always easy to get rid of. Also, while dog-to-human giardia transmission is surprisingly uncommon, it's … You can not just pick up a stool from the yard and expect to find Giardia. There are several ways to protect your puppy or dog from getting Giardia which include: Provide a constant supply of clean water to drink (so he's not tempted by contaminated sources). Giardia is a parasitic infection that most dogs get by drinking infected water or by eating contaminated soil or infected feces. It is a parasite that lives in the lower bowels and it runs in cycles, so it normally goes undetected unless you get it at the cyst cycle when the test is being done. Giardia is a microscopic parasite that causes the diarrheal illness known as giardiasis. Once your dog has been diagnosed with giardia, you vet will prescribe oral medication in order to treat this parasitic disease.This treatment can last from 3 to 10 days. It’s safe to say that having a sick dog or cat is one of the hardest things that a pet parent has to face. Symptoms of Giardia Infection. ... How do you get rid of giardia? Bleach? This usually occurs as a result of the dog licking or eating the feces of another animal as it wanders around outside. If you forget, your vet can collect a sample in the hospital. Giardia is a highly contagious parasite that causes diarrhea, greasy stools and weight loss in dogs. If they do, symptoms usually show up after 7-10 days of ingestion. Preventing Giardia in Dogs. There, it opens up and releases the active form of the parasite, which attaches itself to the intestinal wall and begins to reproduce by cell division. Giardia can be the devil to get rid of -- and a lot of things are becoming resistant to strongid. Giardia in Puppies: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment. Dogs develop the infection by ingesting infectious offspring (cysts) that are shed in another animal's feces. Giardia is a protozoan that can cause annoying infections in puppies and dogs with symptoms such as diarrhea, blood and mucous in the stool, and vomiting, it’s therefore annoying dealing with a puppy with persistent giardia that won’t go away. Giardia has to be ingested by your dog in order for him to get the parasite. Preventing Giardia in Dogs. He or she will view the sample under a microscope to look for giardia cysts. If you're dealing with a giardia infection, it helps to understand what giardia isn't as well as what it is. Tweet . •Giardia spp. Your vet will also prescribe a specific shampoo with which you should bathe your dog in order to get rid of any possible stool that may have cysts and could perpetuate your dog's condition. Similar to the protozoan coccidia, canine giardia infection typically affects younger dogs with underdeveloped immune systems, making them prone to diseases that older dogs can fight off. How To Get Rid Of Giardia In Dogs. Giardiasis refers to an intestinal infection that is caused by the protozoan parasite giardia, which is the most common intestinal parasite that is found in humans. May 23, 2017 March 13, 2017. by Dr. Jeannie Thomason. 6. Does freezing kill it? The life cycle of giardia in dogs from ingesting it in cyst form to defecating it back out in cyst form is thought to be roughly 5-12 days.