Veiled Chameleon Breeding Do I have to breed my female? My jacky lizard won't eat, what do I do? A yellow or orange urate is a sign that your chameleon is not drinking enough water. Handling - I handle him about 4 times a week, depending on his mood. Talk to your partner about drinking in excess and the toll it’s taking on your relationship, health, and finances, says Aranda. How do chameleons drink? I havent seen my 6 month old panther chameleon drink for a while. Do realize that shower method can inflict some degree of stress to your chameleon. report it to the vet. Not only do plant leaves, whether real or artificial, provide cover and security, but veiled chameleons obtain their water by drinking droplets off leaves after a misting. The treatment is to try and offer the chameleon water several times per day if it is still relatively alert and active. Chameleons love to be up high and do stress easily. The other way around, what are the signs of an unhealthy chameleon? I do not shower my chameleon just for the sake of hydration. My chameleon pascal drinking water she is my first reptile so if you have any advice please let me know in comments thanks. I have posted about my chameleon Flick here before and I wanted to know what people thought of his situation. When I took my chameleon out today I noticed something weird with his eye. I do not shower my chameleon just for the sake of hydration. If you are planning to buy this one, better make sure it is healthy or that you have some guarantee. If the chameleon has become too weak to drink, immediate medical attention is required. How much do susy and Clara charge in of mice and men. Did you know that chameleons won’t drink water from a traditional water dish? It’s a fair quesiton, and you’ve definitely come to the right place. He's almost 3 years old, he's a panther chameleon and he seems to be developing early signs of MBD in his hind legs. Where do chameleons live? What happens in the wild is that when it rains, water trickles and drips down upon the leaves and branches in the trees. Chameleons. 3. Signs of unhealthy chameleons. In fact, they’ll usually die of dehydration before they’ll do so! They have an alarmingly high tolerance. A few days ago I took out the water dish at the bottom of my chameleon's enclosure to wash it out. No, you do not. Foliage is a must for a veiled chameleon enclosure. I didn't put it back in until today, but I had still been spraying the plants 2 - 3 times each day. I only do this method when it is absolutely necessary and when the benefit outweigh the risk of inflicting discomfort to your chameleon. Do realize that shower method can inflict some degree of stress to your chameleon. He's cool about it as long as I don't touch him and bribe him with a cricket. The short answer to the question of how do chameleons drink water is that they prefer to drink small drops of water off ... Chameleon Care Baby Chameleon Veiled Chameleon Cute Reptiles Reptiles And Amphibians Chameleon Terrarium Chameleon Enclosure Madagascar Terrariums. The obvious one is to check its droppings. Top Answer. But, there is another way to know whether your chameleon is drinking or not. Your Chameleon - Male Veiled Chameleon, 13 months old. What to do if my chameleon isn't eating? My jacky lizard won't eat, what do I do? The chameleon should have some potted live plants like a Potho s which they enjoy climbing on and may even use to lay eggs. They also enjoy drinking the water off the leaves and stems. If this is your chameleon you should make sure it has enough calcium and air humidity. Top Answer. That is why it is important for the chameleon to be in high enclosure, so they have enough area for security.