This lucrative black market industry is fueled by pr Originating from West Africa, Senegal parrot has a bright green body with orange patches on the abdomen and lower breast. In the wild they make their nest boxes at the top of the tree. Great job on the Zuiko 50-200mm picking this couple out. My Senegal Parrot isn't tame, how do you teach a sennie to step up? What food should you feed African Senegal Parrots? Feeding habits: The Senegal Parrot feeds on fruits, seeds, blossoms and nuts. Additionally, provide your bird with one serving of parrot-formulated pellets a day. Senegal Parrot Lifespan: these green and yellow parrots can live up to 30 years in the wild due to natural circumstances and can live up to 50 years in captivity if properly cared for. In the wild, these parrots usually live 25 - 30 years. It is thought of as a pest in some parts due to it feeding on crops such as maize or millet. According to figures submitted by CITES Parties (downloaded from on 8th July 2019), Net Exports of wild-sourced Senegal parrots in the three years 2015-2017 totalled 21,271. The Senegal, Poicephalus senegalus, belongs to a small group of parrots from Africa known as Poicephalus. Being cuddly and adapting easily to their environment, they make endearing pets. 7. On the other hand, wild-caught or poorly socialized Senegal Parrots tend to be skittish and frightened of humans. Smart, affectionate and playful, Senegal parrots make terrific companion pets. Over the last 30 years as many as 3 million wild Senegal parrots have been removed from the wild - 811,408 CITES Export permits have been issued since 1975. While some are quite shy, others are more on the bold side - they can even be bullies, potentially pushing around larger parrots to get their way. To care for a Senegal parrot, try to get the biggest cage you can find, since they need a lot of space. During the season of mating the parrot needs special diet to eat. Senegals are fun little parrots with diverse personalities. With proper care, captive birds live up to 50 years. About Senegal Parrots Health: A very popular pet in aviculture, the Senegal parrot is a mischievous little trickster who can also be an affectionate bird when he wants to, stealing the hearts of the whole family with its chattiness and stubborn behavior. The only reliable way is DNA testing. Senegal Parrot General Info. Almost certainly a male and female pair -- … Unregulated trade in African parrots peaked in the 1980s and ’90s, and still exists today. Their members include Red Bellied parrots, Jardine's parrots, Senegal parrots, Meyers parrots, Silver Headed parrots and Brown Necked parrots (the latter two have been formally known as Cape parrots). They have the big bird personality in a little bird body. The Senegal Parrot (Poicephalus senegalus) is a resident breeder across western Africa where it travels from an area to area depending on availability of food.