As you manage your steering and speed, be aware of two areas of your vehicle to aid in using reference points – the center of your vehicle and the rear edge of your vehicle. But instead of pulling forward into the space, drivers back into the angled stall. Think of parallel parking as nothing more than a lane change in reverse. Reverse parking into a bay isn't always taught by instructors, so that sort of parking may be even trickier for many of us. Bay parking is one of the reverse parking manoeuvres you may be asked to carry out on your driving test (the other reverse parking manoeuvre is Parallel parking).. I have a reference point in my instructor's car but I want to do this is my Mum's car, so how do I find the reference point in her car in order to do bay parking (steering into the bay)? To parallel park, the driver must follow these five basic steps: You pull ahead of the space and stops beside the car in front of it. Reference points may need to be adjusted slightly depending on your seating position and the type of vehicle you are driving. Drivers may enter a perpendicular parking space head-on or in reverse – there is a great deal of debate among highway and traffic safety experts as to which method is better. Also known as 90-degree parking, perpendicular parking uses spaces that are arranged at a 90-degree angle in relation to the parking lot lanes. A few simple guidelines for when to turn and what to use for reference points when parking may be all you need to perfect your parking abilities. When bay parking make sure that you always keep a look out for other people using the car park area, especially pedestrians and cyclists. Other methods for reverse bay parking. This is also referred to as reverse-angle or reverse diagonal parking. I just wondered if you could tell me how you initially find your bay parking reference point in your car in order to know when to turn into the bay? Bay parking using the 45 degree method. Then reverse back into the space. Thanks. The trick is knowing when to turn and what to use for reference points while reversing. i use the opposite wing mirror is lined up with the brake lights of the car in front at a 45 degree angle, full lock to get in and then move backwards and forwards as necessary First, approach your chosen space, and, drive away from it, either at a 45-degree slant or directly across and into the opposite space. Let us show you the easiest way to reverse into a bay to the left, within the two lines and observing for other road users. This sections covers the reference points for forward parking into a bay and reversing out driving test manoeuvre. For instance when I shifted over from my 800 to my Swift I had a bit of a problem at first as the Swift is blind spots galore. Parallel parking. A few simple guidelines for when to turn and what to use for reference points when parking may be all you need to perfect your parking abilities. See the proof below for more details. Are you looking for a Portland driving school in Portland Oregon?