Alfred W. Crosby's theory of the Columbian Exchange being mostly having to do with evironmental contrast makes a lot of sense due to all the evidence he gives while writing this article. The Columbian exchange, also known as the Columbian interchange, named after Christopher Columbus, was the widespread transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, diseases, and ideas between the Americas, West Africa, and the Old World in the 15th and 16th centuries. After Columbus' 'discovery' of America in 1492, an began exchange between the 'Old World', the continents of Europe, Asia and Africa, and the 'New World', the continents of what today is North America and South America. The Columbian Exchange is the name given to the era in which livestock, agricultural products, and cultural influences moved between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.Christopher Columbus’ first voyage to the Americas in 1492 is considered the start of the era, and as a result of the interaction, societies in both hemispheres benefited from new products and suffered from new diseases. Beginning after Columbus' discovery in 1492 the exchange … The Columbian Exchange is a period of cultural and biological exchanges between the New and Old Worlds. First,Crosby states that "The Columbian Exchange of crops affected the Old World and the New." The Columbian Exchange Two Worlds Meet. One of the major negative effects seen by the Columbian Exchange was the spreading of disease. This destroyed the new world. The Columbian Exchange caused population growth in Europe by bringing new crops from the Americas and started Europe’s economic shift towards capitalism. Columbian exchange also contributed towards the worldwide trade for food. When Europeans came to America, they brought with them germs that caused diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza. The Columbian Exchange began after the voyage of Christopher Columbus to the Western Hemisphere across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492. In addition to the many positive plants and animals the Columbian Exchange brought to the various cultures involved, the exchange also brought with it many negative outcomes. Cause And Effects Of The Columbian Exchange 778 Words | 4 Pages. The Columbian exchange is the exchange of people, animal, plants, and … Cause And Effects Of The Columbian Exchange 703 Words | 3 Pages. Negative effects of Columbian Exchange. Explanation: The Great Exchange is an exchange of cultures and livelihood of between Eastern and Western Hemisphere, in the areas of politics, economics, and social back ground. Native Americans had no immunity to them.  The Columbian Exchange The Columbian exchange created an enormous interchange of various political ideas, cultures, foods, diseases, animals, and people between the old world and the new world, this give and take relationship caused many changes some positive and some negative between the two areas and help redistribute resources between the two hemispheres. One result of the Columbian Exchange was the transfer of diseases from Europe to the Americas. New diseases never before encountered in the New World represent one of the most deadly of these negative outcomes. The effects of the Columbian Exchange were both harmful and beneficial. Cultural exchanges and trade networks: Initial contact between Native Americans and European colonizers began a process of cultural and biological exchanges between the Old World and the New known as the Columbian Exchange. The Columbia Exchange is also known as the Great Exchange occurred in the middle of 1940's. This movement of living things between hemispheres is called the Columbian Exchange.