Reward your Labrador pup when he is quiet by giving him both praise and treats. The reality is that once you teach your pup to bark on command, he will be able to easily transfer this to barking when there is a stranger about. To train a dog not to bark is one thing – but most people want their dog to Bark if someone is coming, so it takes two different approaches. When he understands both of those commands, grab lots of treats, recruit an assistant who your puppy has never met, and go to a location on your property where he can see your property boundary line. The amount of exercise your Labrador requires on a daily basis can vary depending on the individual dog and other factors such as age and lifestyle. As you … It may seem counter-intuitive to teach a dog to bark and even reward the dog for barking, but that is exactly what you will do to begin with. On average a rule of thumb is around one hour daily. This is a simple process as long as you have some help. However, these dogs do need some training. Bark/No bark Training. Have someone outside ring the bell or knock. This is a very important lesson for your pup to learn as it could save your home from being robbed or someone in your family being injured. Top Picks For Our Dogs. Teaching your dog to bark at a stranger requires patient and consistent training. They actually will, but don’t forget to train them too. You can teach him to bark on cue, as described in the link above, but you’ll need to tell him when you want him to do it. This sets a precedent for your young Lab to follow, teaching him that barking doesn't result in something good, while silence does. My dog will bark at people he doesn’t like, but other than that, you may as well fluff up his hair and call him a Malamute. There are many reasons for a barking dog, such as people passing by a window; barking at other dogs when out on a walk or barking because they have been left alone a barking can quite literally drive you mad. Ideally, this location should be in a fenced in yard or at a front room window where your puppy regularly hangs out. Ignore your puppy when he is barking. Their roly-poly bellies, happy smiles, and wagging tails just capture our hearts. Once he speaks on command, teach him to speak when the doorbell rings or someone knocks. And that is what we are going to illustrate here. It won’t help when you aren’t there. They actually will, but don’t forget to train them too. Remember, if your Labrador won’t bark much, that’s largely because it isn’t in his nature to do so. My dog won’t bark. Teach your dog to bark when someone comes to the door. This bark is more aggressive. You can easily train ‘bark’ and ‘no bark’ at the same time. While dogs don’t always bark before they bite, most give some kind of warning. I take him everywhere, but he’s always willing to allow people to walk up to him – kind of crazy, I know. Labrador retrievers are incredibly cute dogs. You can teach him to bark on cue, as described in the link above, but you’ll need to tell him when you want him to do it. The bark is used as a warning not to come closer or they may attack to defend their space. BEST PUPPY TOY We Like: Snuggle Puppy w/ Heart Beat & Heat Pack - Perfect for new puppies. Guarding: Dogs will often bark and growl when they are guarding. The dog may also have a stiff or wagging tail with their hackles raised. My dog won’t bark. That way, you can be sure they can work best as watchdogs. We get all of our Service Dog pups a Snuggle Puppy. While a dog bark is perfectly natural, a Labrador barking too much is a headache for an owner and a nuisance for neighbors. For Company, a Delivery, or a Stranger, I always thank my dog for alerting me and tell him ‘Good Dog, thank you! Labradors from working bloodlines as opposed to show or pet bloodlines will require more activity. There may be other times when you want him to bark on command. I want to teach him to bark on command, because I live in an area that is known for its high crime and violence. How to teach your puppy not to bark at other dogs. Remember, if your Labrador won’t bark much, that’s largely because it isn’t in his nature to do so. Why teach a dog to bark? But will a Labrador bark at strangers? While dogs will bark for a number of different reasons, many owners find it helpful to teach their dog to bark at strangers as this notifies the owner that someone unfamiliar to the dog is at the door. To begin, teach your puppy the 'Speak' and 'Quiet' commands. How to Train a Naughty Labrador. How to Teach Any Dog Not to Bark at Other Dogs and People on a Walk | Dog Traini…:: Your Labrador wasn’t born with the knowledge of what you want him to do, or don’t want him to do. It won’t help when you aren’t there.