... You need to make sure you keep male rabbits away from unspayed female rabbits right after they are neutered. General rabbit questions and useful tips How long do rabbits live for? Having your rabbit neutered does wonders for their health and happiness, and both male and female rabbits should have it done. Answers to this question vary depending on a number of factors. Everyone wants their pet to live a long and healthy life. Rabbits can live into their early teens. By now, the lifespan of cats and dogs is fairly common knowledge. However, rabbits are gregarious and therefore predisposed to living together so the chances are good that the rabbits will get along. This is approximately the same life span as some breeds of dogs, and requires the same long-term commitment. Most larger breeds are calmer and easier to cuddle, but don't live as long as smaller breeds. Male rabbits aren’t sterile immediately after castration (mature sperm may have already left the testicles, and can live a surprisingly long time! Around 80% of unspayed female rabbits develop uterine cancer by the age of 6. my unspayed small (not dwarf) rabbit lived to be 6 years. Wiki User March 10, 2011 10:09PM. Larger rabbits generally have shorter lifespans than … In such situations it does not necessarily mean that the rabbits have to live on their own permanently. Myth 2: Rabbits only live a year or two, so no long commitment is necessary: Reality: Well cared-for indoor rabbits can live 7-10 years, and some live into their teens. An injured or ripped out nail can bleed or become infected. The short answer is no. Here are a few facts about rabbit longevity and life spans: Spayed or neutered house rabbits generally live 8 to 12 years. In the wild, rabbits seldom live more than a few years because predators eat them, so they don't live long enough for cancers to develop. That means your unspayed bunny has only a 15 percent chance of not suffering from this painful and fatal disease. How long do Mini Rex Rabbits live? When the rabbit is stressed or fed an improper diet, the bacteria may get the upper hand. The best combination is a neutered male and a neutered female. Female rabbits are designed to mate and reproduce rapidly. Be careful when separating battling bunnies – you may get bitten in the confusion! Myth 3: Rabbits do not need veterinary care the way dogs and cats do. ... Do not try to pair adult rabbits that are not neutered, regardless of sex. Your rabbit’s toenails can easily get snagged and torn off. This causes the symptoms and issues previously described. However, specific rabbits can fall higher or lower than this estimate. I want my girls around as long as possible and the cancer risk alone is sufficient reason for spaying. If kept safely indoors, your spayed or neutered domestic rabbit should live at least 7 years and may live to age 12. Their permanent “on” state is something humans have bred into them, and it gives them an extraordinary risk for uterine cancer. How long will an unspayed bunny live? Why do I need to have my rabbits neutered? You may also find that some rabbits’ nails just fall off without any signs of blood. Rabbits … Spaying female rabbits is very important for health reasons. By Elizabeth Xu . As every rabbit is different and has its own personality, you cannot guarantee that two rabbits will bond. You’ve just gotten yourself a new rabbit pet and you obviously want what’s best for him. Should I get my child a rabbit?? Spaying female bunnies will literally add years to the happy life of your rabbit. Un-neutered rabbits would have to live alone, which isn't fair on an animal that needs company. Broken rabbit nails and dewclaws occur when they become excessively long and bent. If castrated any older, be careful. If left unspayed, the risk of uterine cancer is approximately 80% above the age of 5 years old, and this is usually fatal. It is easiest if rabbits are kept together from birth, but rabbits less than 12 weeks old will usually live together happily. The process of introducing two rabbits is known as bonding. Bonding or introducing rabbits. Unspayed female rabbits are especially prone to health problems. We have seen uterine cancer in rabbits as young as six months. Housing and companionship for your rabbits. For females, the spay is a … Rabbits can live many years. It was shown as far back as the early 1950s that by the time female rabbits reach age five, 80% have uterine cancer. ), so keep him away from unspayed adult females for up to six weeks after his operation. It’s almost always fatal, as it’s not often detected until it’s too late to operate. Our bunnies live 8-12 years; it is against the odds for an unspayed female to live that long. Rabbits, on the other hand, are a little trickier, though they do have an average lifespan just like other animals.